Tina Fey Takes Questions From Cameo-Heavy SNL Audience
Tina Fey Takes Questions From Cameo-Heavy SNL Audience

Here it is: the season finale of Saturday Night Live, hosted by Tina Fey, with cameos from Jerry Seinfeld, Alec Baldwin, Anne Hathaway, Benedict Cumberbatch, Donald Glover, Robert De Niro, Tracey Morgan, John Goodman and Fred Armisen, to send the season off with a POW!
The show opened with Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin, of course) seating himself at a diner. He plunks some coins into table’s jukebox and selects a song : Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin'”. One by one, his crew joins him: Don Jr., Rudy Giuliani and Michael Cohen (again played by the cameoing Ben Stiller). Then, finally, Robert Mueller – the magnificent Robert De Niro – walks in and takes a table. The staring match starts, and immediately Trump starts sweating.
If you’ve seen the series finale of The Sopranos, by now you would have immediately recognized that it’s a perfect recreation of the final scene. Mueller wins the intimidation game as the cold open hard cuts to black, and returns for the traditional “Live from New York…”
Then there was Tina Fey’s monologue, which is sure to be talked about for the next little while simple for the audacious meta-ness of it. Fey takes questions from the studio audience, which includes Jerry Seinfeld, Anne Hathaway, Benedict Cumberbatch (still in New York from his recent appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert), Donald Glover, Robert De Niro, Tracey Morgan and Fred Armisen, many of whom complain about he over-use of celebrity cameos on the show recently in favour of giving the greener cast members their well-deserved screen time (listen, it’s a legitimate grievance, and their combination self-awareness/dismissal isn’t all that reassuring…).
Throughout the rest of the show, the cameos continued, by the way – Fey’s husband Jeff Richmond made a brief appearance, and Lin-Manuel Miranda showed up for a few seconds as well in a pre-taped sketch about Fey’s musical Mean Girls (based on her film of the same name).
Now, if you were wondering – yes, she did it again. Tina Fey’s only recurring character, Sarah Palin, returned to Saturday Night Live in a musical sketch centred around some of Trump’s people owning the weird stuff they did for Trump. The list includes KellyAnne Conway, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Omarosa, Stormy Daniels… and yes, a couple more cameos: Fred Armisen makes another appearance as Michael Wolff, and in his first cameo of the evening John Goodman does his classic Rex Tillerson (and don’t worry – he’s the finale cameo of the evening).
Well, with a lot of laughs and a little bit of cameo exhaustion, Tina Fey magnificently wrapped up a magnificent season. Saturday Night Live will be sorely missed over the next few months, but expect it to come back swinging in the fall with season 44 and what we can only assume will be a whole lot of politics to catch up on.
Saturday Night Live will return with new episodes in the fall. Be sure to catch Saturday Night Live airing Saturdays at 11.30 et/8.30 pt on Global, and watch the latest episodes online here on GlobalTV.com/SaturdayNightLive!