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Survivor: Ghost Island Scoop – Week 11 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor: Ghost Island Scoop – Week 11 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor: Ghost Island Scoop – Week 11 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments


John Powell – GobalTV.com

Will the Survivor castaways never learn? It was only two weeks ago that Desiree Afuye was voted out because she turned on the Naviti Alliance but failed to secure the numbers. Her rebellion backfired.

This week, Chelsea Townsend, Kellyn Bechtold and Angela Perkins tried the same thing even though Laurel Johnson, Donathan Hurley, Wendell Holland, Domenick Abbate and Sebastian Noel have all voted the same way since the merger. Chelsea, the only player who voted with Desiree during her attempted coup, paid the price and was summarily voted out.

RELATED: Survivor’s Desiree Afuye Doesn’t Regret Targeting Kellyn Bechtold – Post-Tribal Exit Interview

It seems these players are so obsessed with making a big move that they don’t factor in timing or how to dismantle something from within at all, that or their pitches to Sebastian, Laurel and Donathan just didn’t strike a chord.

As it stands, all the coup attempt achieved was making Kellyn and Angela even bigger targets when they might have been able to move up that totem pole if they had played their cards right, if they had made the right arguments to the right people.

One of those people is Laurel. At this point in the game, she is a very dangerous player. She appears to be the closest to Dom, Wendell and she knows they both have idols. She also has a close bond with Donathan as her parachute of sorts. She could very well leverage those relationships and the information in her favour to propel herself into the finale.

CATCH UP NOW: Survivor: Ghost Island – Season 36, Episode 11: “A Giant Game of Bumper Cars

Survivor Scoop – Week 11: Top Moments

This week’s Top Survivor: Ghost Island Moments are…




Moment # 5: Kellyn Admits Targeting Laurel





Moment # 4: Wendell Visits Ghost Island





Moment # 3: Sebastian Makes A Difficult Decision





Moment # 2: Donathan Blows Up Tribal Council





Moment # 1: Loved Ones Visit


Next time on Survivor


Week 11: Game Fail – Chelsea Townsend


From Chelsea’s pre-season interview and videos, I had higher expectations of her. She sounded like she could be another Parvati Shallow but instead she was more like Liz Kim. Who is Liz Kim you ask? My point exactly.

RELATED: Castaway Chelsea Townsend Says She’s Hoping For Self-Discovery in Survivor Pre-Season Interview

Strategic Gameplay


Besides pushing for the blindside of Bradley Kleihege and the targeting of Jenna Bowman, Chelsea didn’t seem to spearhead many decisions but rather went along with what her alliance at the time and its leader ultimately decided.

Rating: 2.5 / 5

RELATED: Survivor’s Bradley Kleihege Dishes on His Epic Blindside in Post-Tribal Exit Interview

Social Gameplay


We didn’t see any profound bonding scenes with anyone however, Chelsea got along with most everyone and didn’t ruffle many feathers during her time on the island.

Rating: 2.5 / 5

Entertainment Value


Like Jenna last week, Chelsea’s Survivor legacy is a bit murky. She won two Immunity Challenges and did well in the competitions overall. She was part of most group decisions and some tribe moments. She never secured the spotlight though. She never learned her story.

Rating: 2.5 / 5

Final Castaway Rating: 7.5 / 15

Week 11: Powell’s Picks

Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.


Bronze Amateur: Sebastian Noel

Making better choices on who to take on the Reward would have probably prevented the fallout back at camp and everything that came after it.


Silver Amateur: Kellyn Bechtold

She is just too impulsive. Her game decisions are constantly ruled by emotion.


Gold Amateur: Chelsea Townsend

Her compulsion to make a big move had her aligning with all the wrong people.


Bronze MVP: Laurel Johnson

She could move into a prime position based on her very sensible gameplay and all of the knowledge she has on both sides.


Silver MVP: Donathan Hurley
Not sure whether it was meant to throw off Angela and Chelsea but his shenanigans at camp and Tribal Council certainly enhance that blindside.


Gold MVP: Wendell Holland, Jr.

Another strong episode for Wendell. He sacrificed his dad for an advantage which even though he didn’t win might have played mind games with the other players. He had faith in his alliance enough not to use his Hidden Immunity Idol. He survived another close call.

Watch Survivor: Ghost Island Wednesdays at 8 et/pt on Global.