Survivor 35 Scoop – Week 3 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 35 Scoop – Week 3 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

By: John Powell –
Nobody wants to be the next Ulong Tribe, nobody. Everyone, including the producers, learned some important lessons from Survivor: Palau.
If you are a player, you vote out people who are causing disharmony, who are causing tension, even if those people are star athletes. The only way a tribe can turn things around is if they are united in mind and united in spirit.
If you are the producers, when one tribe is being decimated and there is no chance things can be turned around, you announce a tribal switcheroo and mix things up hoping the competitiveness returns.
Next week it looks like everything we know, everything we have learned this far will be scattered to the wind and the Hustlers, the Healers and the Heroes will be no more. This of course could make some of my insights below totally pointless because the tribal dynamics could change greatly and those who were riding high could be at the bottom and those who were in huge trouble might now be the kings and queens of the island.
Darn you, Survivor gods.
WARNING: Spoilers below this line…
Survivor Scoop – Week 3: Top Moments
This week’s Top Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers Moments are…
Moment # 5: Ryan Ulrich and Patrick Bolton Play Dress-Up with Simone Nguyen’s Clothes
RELATED: Simone Nguyen Dishes on Her Survivor Experience in Exclusive Post-Tribal Exit Interview
Moment # 4: Patrick Bolton Searches for the Hidden Immunity Idol
Moment # 3: Alan Ball Can’t Chop Coconuts
Moment # 2: Lauren Rimmer and Patrick Bolton Have Words
Moment # 1: Cole Medders and Jessica Johnston Get Closer
RELATED: Play the Survivor Fantasy Tribe Pool | Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers
Next time on Survivor…
Week 3: Game Fail – Patrick Bolton
From reports of him waking up the tribe in the middle of a night as a joke, to him speaking directly into the cameras as if he was the star of the show, Patrick Bolton didn’t seem like he was suited to play the Survivor game.
Patrick seemed oblivious to simple Survivor etiquette. You don’t search for the Hidden Immunity Idol in front of other people. You don’t make yourself a nuisance. You don’t act bossy. These were all simple mistakes Patrick made time and time again.
Strategic Gameplay
Patrick didn’t have much influence at camp and seemed to rely a lot on his partner, Ali Elliot. That could be partly because he acted like the class clown and therefore nobody really took him too seriously. Ali seemed to be the master strategist and Patrick was following her lead.
Rating: 1 / 5
Social Gameplay
His social game was one of the worst in Survivor history. I don’t think anyone outright loathed Patrick but they didn’t trust him and his antics really aggravated them. His behaviour was so exasperating Ali, his own partner, had to take him aside several times and warn him.
Rating: 1 / 5
Entertainment Value
Anyone who is out of step with their tribe and the Survivor game is intriguing to watch. You know time is ticking down on their game and all there is left is to pop the popcorn, grab a beer or glass of wine then sit back and watch the human car crash unfold.
Rating: 3 / 5
Final Castaway Rating: 5 / 15
Week 3: Powell’s Picks
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Bronze Amateur: Alan Ball
Still on the outs with his tribe. You think he would have tried to smooth things over by now.
Silver Amateur: Joe Mena
Through his conduct and behaviour, Joe is still managing to burn a lot of bridges.
Gold Amateur: Patrick Bolton
Bad social game. Bad strategic game. Bad. Bad. Bad.
Bronze MVP: Cole Medders and Jessica Johnston
They are working a strong relationship but are being careful not to let the others find out just how close they are, unlike, you know, the other Survivor couple.
Silver MVP: Lauren Rimmer
She even admitted she didn’t have any strong relationships on her tribe but she managed to pull people together and develop enough trust to get Patrick voted out.
Gold MVP: Alexandrea “Ali” Elliott
Another episode of shrewd game moves by Ali. Not only did she try to bring Patrick back on track but she eventually cut him loose to save her own game.
Watch Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers Wednesdays at 8 et/pt on Global.