Saturday Night Live Hosted by Houston Texans J.J. Watt
Saturday Night Live Hosted by Houston Texans J.J. Watt

This weekend is a very footbally weekend as Saturday Night Live hops aboard the Superbowl train and brings in Houston Texans player J.J. Watt to host!
If you’re not on board, J.J. Watt is a defensive end for the football team with probably the least creative name, the Houston Texans. And if you are on board, I hope all of that made sense!
J.J. Watt isn’t the first professional athlete to host SNL, not by a long shot. Nor is he even the first football player. And athletes… well they aren’t actors. Most of them anyway, and Watt is no exception. But considering that, J.J. Watt did a tremendous job at something he’s never really done before! So kudos. He was very natural during his monologue, which means he was already comfortable. Telling short but punchy jokes, he got through it better than some actors who come out surprisingly nervous!
Meanwhile, in the rest of America… the Trump “impeachment trial” has gone about as any reasonable pessimist (heck, even the optimists) would expect. Republicans have done the equivalent of covering their ears and shutting their eyes until each day is over. And it hasn’t even been salacious! Or dramatic. Nobody brought in 30 year old calendars, or lied to the best of their recollection… hell, there wasn’t even one single pornographic performer involved. Trump’s presidency has really jumped the shark, and SNL knows it. That’s why they’ve given you The Trial You Wish Had Happened, for your entertainment:
Well at least Alec Baldwin is back in form. As good as he can be, let’s all hope he loses this gig next season.
Catch a brand new episodes Saturdays at 11.30 et/8.30 pt on Global! And watch the latest episodes online here on!