Survivor: Ghost Island Scoop – Week 1 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor: Ghost Island Scoop – Week 1 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

John Powell –
The motto of Survivor: Ghost Island is that one bad decision can haunt you forever. Just ask Survivor players Drew Christy, Woo Hwang, Erik Reichenbach, J.T. Thomas, James Clement and a host of others who have seen their games go up in smoke because of a poor choice.
For season 36 those iconic blunders are being resurrected not only on Ghost Island but in other aspects of the game itself to see if those curses can be reversed.
CATCH UP NOW: Survivor Season 36: Ghost Island, Episode 1
Jacob Derwin was the first person to be sent to Ghost Island where Sierra Dawn Thomas’ Legacy Advantage blunder was revived. After competing in a short game and winning the Advantage, Jacob decided to give it to Morgan Ricke.
Feeling threatened, Domenick Abbate went on a hidden immunity idol search at night when everyone was asleep. Domenick found the hidden immunity idol but it was the same one that Andrea Boehlke had in her pocket when she was voted out on Survivor: Caramoan. She ended up in 7th place and was the first female player to be voted off in possession of an idol.
“This Idol has been tainted for five years but still retains its original power. Can you reverse the curse?” read the note that came with the idol.
“I have no intention of the curse getting me. I will reverse it for sure,” said a confident Domenick.
Episode One wasn’t all about missteps though. Donathan Hurley, who by his own admission is not the biggest or the brightest on the Naviti Tribe, is emerging as possibly one of the most lovable heroes Survivor has ever cast. Already feeling like a fish out of water, Donathan came through for his tribe and scored a personal victory by overcoming his fear and diving deep into the water during an Immunity Challenge. While Naviti would go on to lose, Donathan was sent to Ghost Island where he amazed himself by being able to start a fire and cook rice.
Survivor Scoop – Week 1: Top Moments
This week’s Top Survivor: Ghost Island Moments are…
Moment # 5: Stephanie Johnson Ponders Betraying Jacob
Moment # 4: Morgan Receives The Legacy Advantage
Moment # 3: Dom Finds The Hidden Immunity Idol
Moment # 2: Donathan Faces His Fears
Moment # 1: Jacob Visits Ghost Island
Next time on Survivor…
Week 1: Game Fail – Stephanie Gonzalez and Jacob Derwin
This episode saw a double-header eviction with Stephanie Gonzalez playing way too hard, way too fast and Jacob Derwin, like others who came before him, just isn’t cut out for the Survivor game.
Not everyone has or even values great social skills. Some don’t care to be the life of the party. They would rather be on their own or with a small group of loved one or friends and there is nothing wrong with that in the real word. In the Survivor game though, social skills are incredibly important and that is where the brainy Jacob came up short.
Stephanie Gonzalez – reduced to just plain old “Gonzalez” because of Stephanie Johnson, most likely – went all in quickly and that made others mistrust her.
Strategic Gameplay
Stephanie wasn’t afraid to take risks, as we saw during her one and only Tribal Council. What that seemed to do though was illustrate to people that she was going to be more trouble than she was worth. Stephanie obviously never learned to pick her battles.
Jacob showed some Survivor smarts by encouraging the Naviti Tribe to send him to Ghost Island and by presenting the fake hidden immunity idol. Sure, the gamble didn’t pay off but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Stephanie Rating: 2 / 5
Jacob Rating: 3 / 5
Social Gameplay
Although Jacob gave it his best, he still couldn’t create those bonds that he needed in order to survive. On the other hand, Stephanie gave the impression that she was trying too hard.
Stephanie Rating: 2 / 5
Jacob Rating: 1 / 5
Entertainment Value
Stephanie had the potential to perhaps be a cutthroat villain and Jacob might have grown to be another John Cochran. Unfortunately, we will never know how their Survivor journeys might have played out.
Stephanie Rating: 2.5 / 5
Jacob Rating: 2 / 5
Stephanie: Final Castaway Rating: 6.5 / 15
Jacob: Final Castaway Rating: 6 / 15
Week 1: Powell’s Picks
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Bronze Amateur: Domenick Abbate
He painted a target on his back right out of the gate.
Silver Amateur: Stephanie Gonzalez
She put the pedal to the metal way to early.
Gold Amateur: Jacob Derwin
He is probably just not meant to play Survivor and not everyone is.
Bronze MVP: Domenick Abbate
He is aware that he dug himself a hole and is trying to dig his way out. Finding the hidden immunity idol was a bonus.
Silver MVP: Brendan Shapiro
He has made some strong bonds and is looked upon as a leader.
Gold MVP: Stephanie Johnson
She is playing a very smart, very sly and a very strong game thus far.
Who is your early favourite? Let us know in the comments below.
Watch Survivor: Ghost Island Wednesdays at 8 et/pt on Global.