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Survivor: Edge of Extinction Scoop – Week 6 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor: Edge of Extinction Scoop – Week 6 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor: Edge of Extinction Scoop – Week 6 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments


John Powell – GlobalTV.com

After covering Survivor for 18 years there is one concept that I still hold sacred. When you are voted out you should stay voted out. I wasn’t a fan of The Outcasts or the Ghost Tribe on Survivor: Pearl Islands. Redemption Island was not my thing on Survivor USA or Australian: Survivor.

For me, the series loses something when a person has their torch snuffed only to return to the game some time later. That act should be final otherwise it just doesn’t mean as much since it doesn’t have the same impact as it should. I’m not saying such a twist tanks a particular series for me. Survivor: Pearl Islands still stands as one of the very best installments ever produced and Australia has been doing an amazing job with their series in recent years; it rivals and even surpasses the American series in some regards.

I therefore wasn’t thrilled by the announcement of  Survivor: Extinction Island to begin with. Now, the players who lost the challenge to return to the game have another chance at playing again, which is a bit much for me. Although, the fact that someone can be brought back so close to the final phase of the game is interesting. Will they be immediately voted out? Will they be able to rejoin an alliance to tip the scales? Whoever it is could play an important role in how the game plays itself out.

The tribe merge sure played a big role in altering the fate of many players still remaining. The Kama six (Eric Hafemann, Gavin Whitson, Julia Carter, Julie Rosenberg, Ron Clark, and Victoria Baamonde) took firm control sending one of their own, Joe Anglim, to Extinction Island where Wendy Diaz and Keith Sowell have decided to end their games. Dan “Wardog” DaSilva, Rick Devens, Kelley Wentworth, Lauren O’Connell, Aurora McCreary, and David Wright were left out of the decision to vote out Joe. The notable person being kept out of the loop though was Aurora because she was so close to Joe even though she is part of the original Kama Tribe. Will she forgive, forget, and rejoin Kama? Stay tuned.

Survivor Scoop – Week 6: Top Moments

This week’s Top Survivor: Edge of Extinction Moments are…




Moment # 5: Rick Finds an Advantage




Moment # 4: Rick Gets Reacquainted With his Tribe




Moment # 3: Wendy and Keith Leave Extinction Island




Moment # 2: The Extinction Island Tribe is Revealed




Moment # 1: Extinct Castaways Get Emotional

Next time on Survivor

Week 6: Game Fail – Joe Anglim


From the very start Joe had definite and distinct advantages and disadvantages surrounding his third chance at winning Survivor. He was a challenge and survival beast which was great for the tribe he ended up on, at least for the tribal immunity part of the game. He is also seen as a decent, trustworthy guy so that should have made it easy for him to socialize with others and make alliances. For all of these reasons though he was a dangerous person to have around when individual immunity came into play. Kama was right to ditch him while they could. They just have a lot of explaining to do to Aurora.

Strategic Gameplay


He wasn’t a strategic powerhouse and Kama only appeared at one Tribal Council before the merger where Aubry was voted out.

Rating: 3 / 5

Social Gameplay


He is Joe Anglim. Like kittens and puppies, he is loved by everyone.

Rating: 4 / 5

Entertainment Value


Since Kama stayed away from Tribal Council we didn’t actually get to see Joe all that much since the edit and attention was directed to the Manu Tribe. Joe didn’t have much screen time except during the challenges so his entertainment value is not what it could have been.

Rating: 2 / 5

Final Castaway Rating: 9 / 15

Week 6: Powell’s Picks

Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.


Bronze Amateur: Aurora McCreary

Her alliance didn’t trust her enough to include her in the voting decision.


Silver Amateur: Joe Anglim

He should have worked some stronger bonds to protect himself.


Gold Amateurs: Wendy Diaz and Keith Sowell

They quit the game giving up another chance to return and their spots on the jury.


Bronze MVP: Victoria Baamonde

She is becoming more and more of a stronger personality as well as a key player.


Silver MVP: Julie Rosenberg

She won Immunity and is a strong voice at Kama.


Gold MVP: Ron Clark

He got his way. Joe was voted out.