Survivor: David vs. Goliath Scoop – Week 6 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor: David vs. Goliath Scoop – Week 6 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
John Powell –
On a not-too-spooky Halloween night episode of Survivor: David vs. Goliath there were more tricks than treats for the Jabeni Tribe.
For the second week in a row the tribe found themselves meeting with Jeff Probst and this time the bigger numbers game came into play. Getting the evil eye from the Goliath members on the other tribes for voting out Natalie Cole, Angelina Keeley and Mike White stuck together giving dead weight and David Alliance member Lyrsa Torres the heave-ho while keeping Nick Wilson.
For those keeping score, the overall Goliaths now outnumber the overall Davids by 7 to 6 castaways.
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With the merger coming next episode the Goliaths are primed to bury all those pesky Davids one-by-one if they just stick to the plan. The question is will they do so? Besides the strong bond Mike and Nick share I don’t see any reason why the Goliaths wouldn’t. Mike can protect Nick shoving out other Davids as potential boots as long as Nick doesn’t prove to be a challenge threat. By way of Alison Raybould, Dan Rengering, Alec Merlino and John Hennigan leading the charge when it comes to Individual Immunity, the Goliaths chances at picking off the Davids seem very good if they can unite and reconcile after the merger. Will they? Stay tuned.
Survivor Scoop – Week 6: Top Moments
This week’s Top Survivor: David vs. Goliath Moments are…
Moment # 5: The Sock and Jacket Connection
Moment # 4: Christian Learns How to Fish
Moment # 3: The Brochachos Bro it Up
Moment # 2: Elizabeth and Her Back
Moment # 1: Jabeni Bungles Another Challenge
Next time on Survivor…
Week 6: Game Fail – Lyrsa Torres-Velez
When controversy over a jacket is your starring moment, you know your Survivor resume is deeply lacking. If we can say anything about Lyrsa is that she never gave up. Whether at a challenge or at camp, no matter how badly the odds were stacked against her she pushed forward. She was a target escaping the boot several times. Eventually though, her luck ran out.
Strategic Gameplay
We never saw her making any big deals and it appeared she never made any moves to save herself. That was other people shifting their targets.
Rating: 2 / 5
Social Gameplay
A decent game not a strong one though. Her connections with others weren’t what saved her skin when she was in danger and weren’t enough to rescue her at Jabeni.
Rating: 2 / 5
Entertainment Value
Not much to say when there just wasn’t much to see. I did admire her determination as well as her inner strength. As a character though, she was just kinda there except when her jacket became an issue.
Rating: 2 / 5
Final Castaway Rating: 6 / 15
Week 6: Powell’s Picks
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Bronze Amateur: Mike White
He pushed that Natalie vote through while Angelina voted for Lyrsa last week. His decision could have massive consequences at the merger.
Silver Amateur: Angelina Keeley
We heard time and time again how many don’t trust Angelina and that she tries to “run the show”. One wonders what the merger holds for her.
Gold Amateur: Lyrsa Torres-Velez
Her social game wasn’t strong enough to keep her in the hunt for the million dollars.
Bronze MVP: Gabby Pascuzzi
Say what you want about her methods but she managed to pull Alison over. Will that deal stick though?
Silver MVP: Angelina Keeley
Another close call for the financial consultant.
Gold MVP: Nick Wilson and Mike White
Just like last week the pair weaseled their way through another vote. Will the band stay together once the tribes merge? That will be the true test of their alliance.
Watch Survivor: David Vs Goliath Wednesdays at 8 et/pt on Global.