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Live Feed Spoilers: HoH’s bad news hits hard

Live Feed Spoilers: HoH’s bad news hits hard

Live Feed Spoilers:  HoH’s bad news hits hard


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

Cameron winning the Power of Veto has thrown a wrench in the plans of HoH Jared.

Jared nominated Red and Cameron hoping to get one of them out of the house.

Felicia floated an idea to Cameron shortly after he won the veto.

“Can we get Jared to put up Jag again? Can we just do the same thing we did last week? What you tried to do under your HoH? It would just be a unanimous vote again,” said Felicia to Cameron in the comic book bedroom.

“Well, anyone who sits next to Red goes home,” answered Cameron. “We hold all the votes. We just need to convince Jared.”

In the HoH room, Cirie gave her son some strategic advice.

“We will see if Cameron will take Red down for his birthday. The only way that will work is if we put Jag up against Cameron. Cameron will feel as if he is staying and he will feel redeemed. The second option is we might want to still think about putting Jag up. It is Jag or America that you need to think about,” she said.

With Cirie gone, Jared went over his options with Blue.

“I am completely done with Cameron and Red. I don’t trust them to do what we need them to do in the game…I want to talk to Red to see if he is still feeling the same way he was yesterday. If he changes his mind I am heavily considering America or Jag. It will definitely be one of them,” he said of Red’s recent dour mood and thoughts of going home.

An agitated America joined Blue and Jared.

“People are talking about me being the replacement nominee. In what world does this make sense?…I didn’t realize this is an option for people. Where is this coming from?” she said close to tears.

Jared explained that people just don’t trust her. They think she is aligned with Cameron.

“He has been talking s—t about me all over! Even after winning the veto he is throwing my name under the bus!” said America maintaining that she isn’t working with Cameron in any way and never has been.

“We have never been besties! We have never been aligned! It is infuriating that this is happening out of nowhere! No matter what I do I cannot break through and gain trust with them!” said a frustrated America.

Once her meeting with Jared was over America headed downstairs to the have-not room. She broke down and cried. Jag hugged her.

“Everything is out of my control,” she sobbed.

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Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.

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