Live Feed Spoilers: HoH switches their target
Live Feed Spoilers: HoH switches their target

Julie Chen Moonves. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS.
By John Powell –
HoH Cameron could have another houseguest in his sights this week.
Earlier this week he wanted Felicia out of the house. It is why he nominated her with Mecole. That target has now changed since he won the Power of Veto yesterday.
“She (Felicia) went off on you downstairs saying you don’t want her on the jury,” said Matt to Cameron in the HoH room.
“Yeah, I told her the truth. Sue me. She likes people being straight-forward with her so I was straight-forward with her,” said Cameron.
Cameron told Matt that at first Felicia was criticizing him for “going crazy” during his last HoH and now she is throwing him under the bus for being honest.
“I don’t want her on the jury for the same reason for what she just did. She gathered a group of people, hated on me and then walked off. That is why I don’t want her on jury. She is going to persuade away from me the entire time. She can go home,” said Cameron.
“I think Cory and Blue will team-up. Cory is smart. He is a thinker. He sees what’s happening,” said Cameron.
“He saw you pick me (for the veto),” replied Matt.
“I am sure he has already pitched something to get me out,” Cameron predicted.
“I will see what he says tonight when he talks to me,” said Matt.
Cameron doesn’t believe that Blue and Cory want each other out. They want bigger targets out first.
“If we don’t stay together we are going to get picked off,” Matt warned.
“We have got to get that motherf—–r gone,” Cameron said of Cory.
“Next week,” replied Matt.
“I don’t want Blue to take the shot. Blue will do what’s best for Blue and if she realizes she is going to get a better deal with Cory and America she will take that deal and she will put us up,” Cameron surmised.
“Getting rid of him (Cory) might be good,” said Matt.
“I can do it. I can do it right now,” said Cameron about his HoH this week.
“God damn! I forgot. You have the veto too!” exclaimed an excited Matt as he began counting the votes to get Cory out.
Matt asked where the fourth person they need though as they would have himself, Jag and Bowie. Matt suggested Blue.
“Hell, Cirie and Felicia aren’t going to vote out Mecole,” said Cameron. “If I take down Felicia and put up Cory he is gone. I mean, then we have a war but a war we can fight because those are the people who are already gunning after us.”
Cameron told Matt he would only enact his plan if everyone agreed on backdooring Cory.
“I will speak to Jag and see what he says,” said Matt.
“I don’t want Felicia on the jury. I made that clear but Cory is dangerous. He is a cocky little motherf—-r,” said Cameron.
Cameron and Matt met with Jag later on. Cameron told Jag they have a new plan for this week but he won’t make any kind of move without Jag’s input and approval.
“I will not make a move that you don’t agree with,” said Cameron. “I know for a fact though that motherf—-r is coming after me next week.”
“We all know that little brainiac motherf—-r is going to run this bitch if we leave him in the house with his little sidekick. I don’t want Felicia to be on the jury but I will gamble to get his ass out of this house,” Cameron continued.
Cameron wants Felicia to feel that she is going home then pull her off the block and put up Cory in her place.
“Cory will go home and we will get out the sharpest and smartest player in this house and the f—–g Fugitives will roll over everyone here,” Cameron promised. “I think this is the most beneficial move for The Fugitives going forward.”
Jag disagreed with Cameron in the sense that he doesn’t think Cory is coming after him next week.
Cameron explained that Cory is gathering the votes to come after him.
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