Survivor’s Libby Vincek Says the Naviti Girls Wouldn’t Budge
Survivor’s Libby Vincek Says the Naviti Girls Wouldn’t Budge

John Powell –
No matter how hard she tried, no matter what she did, Survivor: Ghost Island castaway Libby Vincek couldn’t shake that target off her back.
“There was really no way of getting it off of me since tribe swap. I was a genuine person and knew that I didn’t want to go out of this game being someone I was ashamed of. There wasn’t a point, in my opinion, that things all went wrong. I just wasn’t liked by the Naviti girls. They weren’t backing down. I have to respect that because it was a true alliance. I was what was in their way,” said Libby of her Survivor game.
The social media strategist from Texas became the second member of the Survivor: Ghost Island jury and she is looking forward to having her say in who is awarded the title of Sole-Survivor and the million dollar prize.
“I believe the most challenging part of Survivor is not just strategy but really being an honest good player and person. I hate when people say Survivor is all about backstabbing. It’s not. The true challenge is finding a perfect middle ground but you better believe that stink eye will be showing up when I walk into tribal for the first time,” said Libby.
If he didn’t have that hidden immunity idol there is no question Michael would have been voted out this week. Fighting to stay in the game without numbers to back her up, Libby would’ve considered one of two options if she had stayed in the game.
“My next move would have been to find a way to work with Jenna [Bowman] and possibly Donathan [Hurley] and Laurel [Johnson] to get out a Naviti girl. I feel it could’ve worked. Either that or work with the girls to get out Wendell [Holland] or Dom [Abbate],” explained Libby.
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Now able to sit back and assess her Survivor game Libby wishes she was a bit more aggressive with her decisions and moves as she developed a true love and respect for the game while on the island. She wishes that was included more in her edit.
”I worked hard for the position I was in. I formed bonds, repaired bonds and really worked hard around camp. I did make the first fire at Malolo. I kind of wished they would’ve shown that. I was really close with Donathan and Laurel. I had a lot more to say when it came to situations then they (the producers) showed,” she said.
Watch Survivor: Ghost Island Wednesdays at 8 et/pt on Global.