Big Brother 25 has its final three
Big Brother 25 has its final three

By John Powell –
The Mafia has claimed its final victim.
Matt, Jag and Bowie Jane are the final three of Big Brother 25.
As the Power of Veto winner Jag had the solitary vote to keep either Matt or Felicia in the game. He choose his Minutemen alliance mate Matt.
In casting his vote, Jag only addressed Felicia.
“Mama Fe, we have a crazy and long beautiful journey in this house together and you have played an outstanding social game. I respect you tremendously as a game player and a person. Ultimately, I have to do what I believe is right and stay true to who I am. With a heart full of admiration I vote to evict you, Mama Fe,” he said.
In her chat with Big Brother house Julie Chen-Moonves, Felicia wondered if Jag had made a mistake keeping Matt.
“I told each of them that they had to get rid of the other if they want to win. Jag may lose to Matt because Matt played a really good social game and he’s that all-American guy that everybody loves. Jag played a really good competitive game and a social game but I don’t know if he can beat Matt in a vote,” said Felicia to Big Brother house Julie Chen-Moonves.
The finale of Big Brother 25 airs Thursday at 8:00 PM, ET on Global TV.
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