The Young and the Restless Recap: January 2-6 *Spoiler Alert*
The Young and the Restless Recap: January 2-6 *Spoiler Alert*

The Young and the Restless- Episode 11057
It’s only the first week of 2017, and already The Young and The Restless is bringing the drama. Last year, we left off with Devon’s untimely car crash, Nick and Chelsea giving into temptation, and Fenmore’s in shambles. Let’s see what Y&R had in store for us last week.
Dylan abruptly left on an undercover assignment. His somber mood left Sharon believing that something just wasn’t right with their marriage, but it’s not something she’s willing to admit out loud. Nikki smells trouble between Sharon and Dylan, and it seems that Faith can smell it too. Both of them question Sharon as to what is going on between them. At work, Chelsea and Chloe get nosy as well, but Sharon won’t budge. Everything is a-ok, according to her. Back at the police station, Paul is having doubts about Dylan’s state of mind and whether sending him out was a good idea. Sharon can be as optimistic as she wants, but Dylan did not seem okay when he left. This could be the beginning of the end.
At the hospital, Hilary and Lily won’t stop going at it. Add Neil and Mariah to the mix, and now we have pure mayhem in the hospital waiting room, with all of the frustration directed at Hilary. But Hilary stays firm- what happened happened, and all that matters is her love for Devon. Meanwhile, Devon has woken up and has no memory of the charity event where Hilary’s wrongdoings pushed him over the edge and landed him in the hospital in the first place. Lily seethes in the background, annoyed that Devon is left in the dark while Hilary caters to her loving husband. Neil warns her that she won’t get away with it for much longer. Knowing Hilary, she’ll do whatever it takes to keep her husband in this state of mind.
Meanwhile, things are kind of weird between Nick and Chelsea who shared a passionate kiss – the result of months of built-up romantic tensions. Nick bites the bullet and goes to Chelsea’s studio to talk to her about it. After a mildly awkward conversation, the two embrace, just in time for Sharon’s entrance. Sharon looks on, but what is she thinking?
Gloria’s back to everyone’s dismay. Phyllis’s nickname “Hurricane Gloria” seems fitting. It doesn’t take long for Gloria to figure out that Fenmore’s is on the decline, and to come up with a plot to use it to her advantage. She goes behind Lauren’s back to offer her help to Jack, a willing potential investor who Lauren absolutely does not want involved. She says in return for handing over Fenmore’s to Jack, she’ll take a small role in Jack’s company….but what is Gloria really up to?
Reed is laying down some roots in Genoa City after running away from his father. Victoria seems reluctant at first, but takes her father’s advice and eases up on the idea of having Reed around. Slowly, it’s looking like the teenager is going to be a handful, but somehow Billy is always there to help. Victoria is pushing back against co-parenting with her ex, but it seems like this situation is exactly what Billy needs to get close to Victoria after their almost-kiss.
Find out what happens next on The Young and the Restless, weekdays on or the Global Go app.