Tiffany Haddish Lights Up The Late Show
Tiffany Haddish Lights Up The Late Show

Late Show favourite Tiffany Haddish joins Stephen on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert!
Still A Late Show
While Stephen Colbert isn’t broadcasting from home anymore, The Late Show is slowly moving back to what it once was. Maybe even further back that we realize. While a lot has changed for… well, everyone, recently, The Late Show has made some subtle but significant changes of their own. Namely, not playing into it anymore. Because they don’t have to. They’ve recently started blanking the word Trump – in fact, Stephen outright refuses to say it. And he’s stopped doing the voice. Since the election, and the coup, Stephen’s stopped playing the game, and is looking to the future. So, good for him.
Colbert Wedges Himself between Tiffany Haddish and Common
So there’s this silly thing that Colbert and Tiffany Haddish do, where they pretend they’re super into each other. But Stephen’s always been unavailable, so it could never really work out. Haha, the audience laughs and we all have a good time.
Well, we don’t all have a good time. Haddish’s partner, Common, was on The Late Show recently and he’s none too happy with the familiarity between the two.
Ultimately, all in good fun and nobody gets hurt. Also, “too damn happy with Evie”? Too damn cute.
Really, it’s all good between Haddish and Common now. Just listen to the couple’s adorable take on the Silhouette Challenge. They really got into it and had a good time – even if Common won’t publicly admit it.
What’s Done Cannot Be Undone
But who would want it to be?
That’s right, Haddish and Colbert are both Shakespeare nerds. And to celebrate that between them (and everyone else who was viewing), they pulled out a quick little Act IV diddy from Macbeth. It was good, with Colbert and Haddish riffing the three witches between them.
And scene.
What fun! Colbert should host an online reading of Shakespeare more regularly, as a thing. Quick – someone call CBS!
Fauci, Marry, Kill
Tiffany Haddish recently interviewd rock star doctor of infectious diseases Anthony Fauci. The interview was compelling, but rather tame – maybe a bit too tame for Stephen. He had a more salacious interest in the COVID-fighting doctor that Tiffany Haddish just wasn’t ready for.
To be fair to Haddish and her discomfort, Colbert really put her in a corner with that question.
Tune in to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert airing weeknights at 11.35 et/pt on Global, and watch the latest episodes and clips online here on or the Global TV App!