The Young and the Restless Recap: June 12 – June 16 *Spoiler Alert*
The Young and the Restless Recap: June 12 – June 16 *Spoiler Alert*

What you missed on The Young and the Restless…
Things are getting complicated now that Kevin wants to join Chloe in her carefully-crafted afterlife. The plan is so well-crafted in fact, that Kevin doesn’t believe Chloe and Dr. Harris came up with it all by themselves. Of course, neither Chloe nor Dr. Harris will admit that Victor is the brains behind the operation. When Dr. Harris talks to Chloe alone, he threatens to tell Victor about Kevin showing up. The plan was for her to fake her death and hide out by herself. His threats fall apart when Chloe reaches in Kevin’s bag and pulls a gun on him. When Kevin walks into the room, he talks Chloe down – this is all getting out of control. They can’t threaten Dr. Harris into letting them live in his house forever. The doctor gives up – the threats won’t be necessary. He’ll let them stay. When Dr. Harris calls Victor to give him an update, there’s no mention of Kevin.
Michael and Leslie make their case to the judge on behalf of their clients in the Brash & Sassy sexual harassment case. Leslie says they have evidence and a witness, and in the end, the judge is persuaded there’s a legitimate case here. They’re going to trial. Leslie is ready and willing to settle, but when Victoria sees the dollar amount she’s proposing, she laughs in her face. Of course, Cane wants them to settle and get it over with. Alone, Michael wonders why Victoria didn’t tell him that Cane almost lost the Asia deal and wouldn’t have been able to close it without Juliet’s help. Victoria had no idea about this because Cane had taken full credit.
Cane’s had enough of Juliet’s lies, and goes to her place to beg her to stop this lawsuit. He forces himself in the door and refuses to leave until they talk. He pleads with her, desperately trying to find out why she’s doing this. Juliet’s tone is angry as she explains that she was wrongfully terminated and she’s not afraid to tell the truth about what happened in Tokyo. When Cane explains how much this lawsuit could damage her career, Juliet becomes convinced it’s time to call it off. She calls Leslie, and Cane leaves happy that this is all over. Ecstatic, Cane tells Lily, Victoria, and Billy that Juliet is calling it off. Michael barges in. This case is far from over. Cane’s little stunt gave Juliet a winning case wrapped in a shiny bow. Leslie knows it too, and she’s planning to use Cane’s alone time with Juliet as another harassment and intimidation ploy. They all can’t believe Cane could be so dumb.
Billy gets the guts to tell Victoria that he’s moved in with Phyllis. Victoria plays it cool, only saying that she doesn’t want the kids to sleepover. Later when Billy shows up to Vic’s house to see the kids, he offers to help around the house. She orders him to set the table, and he obliges. His gaze lingers on her as she stares into her phone. Meanwhile, Phyllis confides in Michael that she thinks Victoria is using the lawsuit to get Billy back.
Mariah tips off Lily about the story Hilary is about to break about the lawsuit, which sets her off. She stomps into GC Buzz and confronts Hilary, but Hilary is ready with some low blows. Isn’t Cane entitled to a side girl since Lily cheated on him? And it’s not her fault she can’t satisfy him….Lily lunges at her, but Jordan breaks it up. He heard everything, and frankly, he’s disgusted that Hilary is stooping so low. Jordan tells her how he feels and walks out, saying her acting skills are right up there with Viola Davis and Meryl Streep. In desperation, Hilary texts Devon to come to GC Buzz. When he shows up, she breaks down, admitting that he used to be her conscience, and now she’s lost without him. Devon pulls her into a hug as she cries on his shoulder.
At Crimson Lights, Sharon watches an intriguing confrontation. Zack grabs Tessa’s arm when he recognizes her until she hisses at him to let her go. Zack assures her he’s only in Genoa City for business and that she needs to let go of the past and move on. Feeling better about the situation, Tessa later accepts Devon’s record deal and decides to stay in GC. Sharon tells Scott what she saw at the coffeehouse, recalling what Noah told her about Tessa being afraid of him– she doesn’t trust Zack or Tessa. Scott’s interested when he hears that Zack is the guy Abby’s working with in her startup incubator. Later that night, Scott and Sharon have dinner at her place. It doesn’t take long for them to get hot and heavy, moving things upstairs. When Scott gets home the next day, Lauren warns him to be careful of what he’s getting into. She won’t forget that Sharon is a baby-snatcher, and that Scott was once kidnapped by Sheila.
At Newman Enterprises, Abby boasts about going on a date with Zack, the founder of the dating app in her startup incubator. Scott pulls Abby aside to talk some sense into her. He thinks it’s inappropriate that she would date her subordinate. But, is Scott warning her because he thinks it’s wrong, or because of what he heard about Zack, or is it because he’s jealous? Time will tell. She tells him to taddle on her if he’s so concerned, and rushes off with Zack.
At the park café, Reed finally gets Mattie’s phone number. Charlie shows up to take Mattie home, but Reed doesn’t understand why this jerk wants to leave with her. It soon comes out that Charlie, the guy who stole Reed’s girlfriend, is Mattie’s twin brother.
Dina, Devon, and Graham meet about Mergeron. She presses Devon to hire Graham and make use of his talents. She believes he could be a great advisor within the company. Devon is hesitant, but agrees to talk to Neil about it. Graham tells Dina alone that he’ll make sure her interests are taken care of.
Jack tries to persuade his mother to move into the Abbott house, but she doesn’t want to face the memories there. More specifically, the lack of memories there. At the same time, Ashley has a good talk with Graham where they open up about how they feel, and their misunderstandings about one another. As Ashley touches Graham’s hand to comfort him, Dina walks in and sees them connecting. Her mood darkens when she tells Graham what she saw, but Graham says she has the wrong idea. She leaves to go to her room and insists that he doesn’t follow her. Despite their warm conversation, Ashley plots with Jack to get rid of Graham as soon as possible.