The Young and the Restless Recap: May 1 – May 5 *Spoiler Alert*
The Young and the Restless Recap: May 1 – May 5 *Spoiler Alert*

The Young and the Restless- Episode 11169
What you missed on The Young and the Restless…
At Crimson Lights, Phyllis frets about her new relationship with Billy now that she suspects he lied to her about Nikki having an MS flare-up. She asks Scott point blank – did Nikki look okay to him when he saw her? He says she looked great. Michael says the same, but also suggests she speak to Billy directly about it. Since Michael seems to be in the advice-giving mood, he also tells his brother Kevin that it’s time to let Gloria know he has a daughter.
Kevin sits with Gloria to break the news to her, knowing that she’s not going to be happy that he’s tied to Chloe forever through his child. At first, Gloria is tense, but then she softens. They’re going to give Bella the best family ever, she says.
Cane saunters into Brash & Sassy, cocky as ever because he knows Billy’s secret. Cane coyly teases him, making Billy question if he could know his secret. When Billy leaves the room, Cane goes for his phone, seeing a message from Phyllis to meet him in the elevator. Jumping on the opportunity to expose him, Cane ushers Victoria out of the office and toward the elevator, lying about how bad the traffic is. Victoria obliges, eager to beat the traffic, pushing the elevator button frantically. Meanwhile, Billy’s inside passionately making out with his lover Phyllis. Cane calls maintenance to get the door open, and when it opens…..”Oh my God,” Victoria says as she realizes the man she wants, wants someone else. Moments later, Billy lets loose on Vic, letting out everything he’s held in. She’s mean, emasculating, hot and cold…what did she expect? It doesn’t help that Phyllis is joining in too. Victoria is humiliated.
Victoria returns to her office in a fury. How long has he been hiding this? She starts to blame herself. When everyone cools down, it’s back to business, even though it’s still awkward. A business argument erupts between Cane and Billy, but Victoria surprisingly takes Billy’s side. She seems to be trying to be mature about the situation. Afterwards, Cane asks Victoria why Billy should keep working there after what he did to her. Victoria still values Billy at Brash, and puts a stop to Cane’s whining. After work, Billy and Phyllis have date night at the Club. Victor watches from afar, and then wanders over to make it clear that he doesn’t want Billy working with his daughter. Billy says he’s not going anywhere.
At home, Katie calls for her mommy. She can’t sleep because she misses her dad. Victoria calls Billy to help her feel better, interrupting Billy and Phyllis’s canoodling on Phyllis’s couch. As Billy talks to his daughter, Phyllis watches, realizing that his family with Victoria will always come first. She leaves the room and brings his attention back to her with some sexy, black lingerie.
As everyone in Genoa City wonders where Chloe ran off to, Victor sits in his office content in knowing exactly where she is and that she’s never coming back. He recalls his visit with her while he left town. He busted open the door to her motel room and threatened her to never return to GC. Instead of killing her, he handed her a wad of cash to disappear. Before taking off, she begged Victor to let her tell Billy and Kevin they could be Bella’s father. Victor said he would take care of it.
Victor gets a mysterious payment to Newman Enterprises from his assistant, and asks Abby about it. Abby tries to play it cool, but deep down she knows that the payment is from Jack who bought a building from her- a building related to a project she started behind Victor’s back. Later Victor meets with Scott to tell him to kill the book. Instead, he can repay him by working for him at Newman. He wants Scott to keep an eye on Abby.
At the Ranch, Nikki realizes that Tessa lied about her office experience, which is why she’s been like a fish out of water with her event planning. Nikki admits that she likes Tessa, so she’s not going to fire her. Later on, Tessa tells someone on the phone that Nikki is like her new bestfriend, and now she can finally take care of things.
At his Penthouse, Devon excitedly shows Neil the first business he thinks they should acquire- Mergeron Enterprises. Neil is skeptical because it might cause a problem with the Abbotts. After all, the CEO is Jack and Ashley’s estranged mother. Devon says, so what? This is business. Neil agrees. They take Devon’s private jet to meet with Dina Mergeron in person in Paris. Dina’s a tough, straight-shooter, who clearly thinks this father-son duo aren’t established enough to take on her business. But, when she hears that Devon is Katherine’s grandson, she changes her tune. Later on, Dina stares at a photo of her daughter Ashley…but what is she thinking? It takes some time, but Devon eventually gets the call that they were successful in their bid for Mergeron. A big selling point for her was his grandmother Katherine, who was a good friend. Devon and Neil are ecstatic, but Neil reminds Devon this could cause problems with the Abbots.
At the Abbott house, Ashley is playing psychologist, telling Jack that he must be attracted to Gloria because of his abandonment issues with their mother. Hell, she’s pretty messed up too. They can’t believe they have her DNA. When they hear about the news that their mother is selling her company, Jack is intrigued, but Ashely says she couldn’t care less. At Jabot, Billy and Phyllis finally get the courage to tell Jack about their relationship, but Jack isn’t stupid. He simply wonders how long they’ve been sneaking around, and tells them that they deserve each other. Cane and Jack drink at the Club, both in a sour mood brought on by the same person – their brother Billy. Jack pushes Cane to get him fired.
At The Underground, Jordan and Chelsea catch up. Apparently they knew each other once upon a time and refer to their ‘good times being bad.’ Who knew these two knew each other? They agree not to let anyone know about their former friendship. Meanwhile, Tessa takes the stage and calls Nikki up to play the keys, which she does to everyone’s surprise. The next day, Noah and Tessa chat about Nikki rocking out at the Underground, which is unusual for the Newman matriarch. Noah mentions that Tessa’s wearing the same outfit from the night before. Tessa covers by saying that she was too tired to change. Later, Nikki watches from a bench while Tessa gets changed from out of her car, and realizes the girl has nowhere to live.
Tensions rise between Mariah and Hilary, all because of Devon. “I know what Devon likes, and honey, it ain’t you,” Hilary reminds Mariah. But Mariah claps back by telling her Devon’s plans to fly to Paris for his new business, which hits Hilary where it hurts. She realizes that Mariah knows more about Devon’s life than her. Jordan asks Hilary out on a date, but she icily turns him down, and when he leaves, she throws her laptop off of her desk in frustration. As Mariah and Devon take a ride on his private jet, Hilary sneaks into Devon’s penthouse with her old keys. As she reminisces on old times, Devon and Mariah tumble in the door, still on a high from their romantic night. Hilary hides and listens as they exchange sweet words, and then run upstairs to get it on. They don’t even make it all the way up the stairs, so Hilary has to sit through the whole thing. She cries from the torture of it all. The next day at GC Buzz, Mariah takes off her coat to reveal she’s wearing one of Hilary’s dresses from Devon’s apartment. It sends Hilary over the edge – “I’m taking back everything that’s mine,” she says as she tears the dress off of Mariah.
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