Survivor: Winners at War Scoop – Week 10 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor: Winners at War Scoop – Week 10 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

John Powell –
If your household is out of facial tissue at the present time, don’t feel bad. You aren’t alone.
Survivor fans got a double whammy with two family visits this season instead of one. Those on Survivor Island got some love as well as those on the Edge of Extinction.
Jeremy perhaps summed up what the loved ones visit means to those playing the game.
“This is the reason I almost didn’t play and this is the reason why I am playing,” he told host, producer Jeff Probst as he hugged his family.
All that good karma didn’t help Tyson though who found himself voted out for the second time this season by one of the better plays at Tribal Council. Jeremy played his advantage and in doing so had to leave Tribal Council, was unable to vote but was safe from being voted out.
“Why don’t the five of us go make a decision?” said Sophie leading her allies (Sarah, Tony, Ben and Nick) away from Kim, Michele, Denise and Tyson.
Once back, Sarah used her steal a vote on Denise so she could vote twice and Kim played her Hidden Immunity Idol on Denise.
So, yes, a lot of people overplayed their hands so that Tyson could take the fall again. Filled with disappointment and disgust, he flipped off the fire token table as he left the game.
The interesting thing is that both Nick and Michele voted for Denise to go home which makes you wonder just whose side they are on anyway?
Tonight’s Tribal Council drew a clear line in the sand with Sarah, Tony, Ben, Sophie and Nick standing against, well, at least Kim and Denise that’s for sure. It remains to be seen where Jeremy, Michele and Nick fall in all of this.
With only four episodes left it doesn’t seem likely these sides will change leaving Kim and Denise as the most likely targets moving forward or will the dynamics change once again? Stay tuned.
Survivor Scoop – Week 10: Top Moments
This week’s Top Survivor: Winners at War Moments are…
Moment # 5: Kim lays out her plan to her alliance.
Moment # 4: Jeremy uses his advantage.
Moment # 3: Sophie rallies the troops.
Moment # 2: The Loved Ones Visit, Part Two.
Moment # 1: The Loved Ones Visit, Part One.
Next time on Survivor…
Week 10: Game Fail – Tyson Apostol
Tyson is surely ticked off but he cannot be too surprised. The players are taking sides and taking aim at the bigger threats. Kim recognized that she, Jeremy, Denise and Tyson were being left out of the conversations. When that happens you are usually next in line to have your torch snuffed. Tyson’s resume is known by all. He has played three times after all. The others know what he is capable of and know how persuasive he can be.
Strategic Gameplay
Since coming back from the Edge of Extinction Tyson hasn’t really taken the reins except for switching the vote to Adam last episode.
Rating: 3 / 5
Social Gameplay
He was able to talk people into voting out Adam but he probably didn’t have to twist their arms all that much.
Rating: 3 / 5
Entertainment Value
Seeing someone disappear into the woodwork is never a fun time.
Rating: 2 / 5
Final Castaway Rating: 8 / 15
Week 10: Powell’s Picks
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Bronze Amateur: Sarah Lacina
She doesn’t seem to have much say or much control in the alliance she is a part of.
Silver Amateur: Tyson Apostol
He should have stayed under the radar a little bit longer.
Gold Amateur: Jeremy Collins
Jeremy seemed to jump the gun and probably shouldn’t have ditched his allies at Tribal Council.
Bronze MVP: Kim Spradlin-Wolfe
She did bring the others together almost pulling off a clever move at Tribal Council. One has to wonder what would have happened without her leadership.
Silver MVP: Nick and Michele
They might just have everyone fooled.
Gold MVPs: Sophie Clarke
She took control of the alliance, guiding them forward.