Survivor 45 Scoop – Week 6 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 45 Scoop – Week 6 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

John Powell –
“I absolutely want ‘J’ out. She prevented me from getting a sandwich and ever since then I have had it in for her,” said Austin on the latest Survivor episode: “I’m Not Batman, I’m the Canadian”.
Though it might seem petty on Austin’s part players have been voted out for less. If we go all the way back to the very first season, Borneo, one of the reasons B.B. Andersen was voted out was because he washed his clothes in some of the tribe’s water. Whether it be a sandwich or a pail of water, any reason is as good as any to target someone especially at the tribal merger when everyone is looking for an easy target, a mutual target.
It just shows you how expendable ‘J’ was though when her own allies were perfectly fine with throwing her under the bus, especially Julie and Dee, back when there were three tribes.
Things don’t look good at all for Canadian Kaleb either. He is only still in the game because of the Shot in the Dark as he was unanimously targeted by the others. In the past, some players were able to come back from such a spiral while others could never regain their footing. I think Kaleb is too dangerous a threat to keep in the game.
Others who aren’t looking too good either for various reasons seem to be Bruce, Katurah, Kendra and Sifu, although Dee and Julie might be willing to keep Sifu around now until they can cut him loose. It is lucky they were all on the winning tribe at the Immunity Challenge or one of them might have been in the running for a torch-snuffing meeting with Jeff Probst.
The interesting dynamics at play are there are five original Belo and five original Reba left. The thought could be to boot Emily and Kaleb then the two sides could fight it out or perhaps Reba could be content with keeping Emily and Kaleb then target all of the Belo players. If I was a betting man I would place money on the later scenario since Emily’s bond is so tight with Kaleb, Austin and Drew. How will everything shake out? Stay tuned, folks.
Moment # 5: Bruce gives Kaleb some advice.
Moment # 4: Bruce and his idol journey.
Moment # 3: The tribes prepare for a merger

Jeff Probst. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
Moment # 2: Merge feast discussion.
Moment # 1: ‘J’ becomes a target.
Janani “J. Maya” Krishnan-Jha

Janani “J” Krishnan-Jha. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
Janani’s Survivor boat has had holes in it and has been sinking for quite some time. The fact is that Janani didn’t have the read on the tribe and the game as she thought she did. Even during her last few gasps at tribal council she couldn’t sway anyone to save her over others.
Strategic Gameplay
She worked hard to align Reba against Sifu and she managed to convince Austin to side with her and Kellie during the journey but she couldn’t mastermind an angle to save herself.
Rating: 2.5 / 5
Social Gameplay

Janani “J” Krishnan-Jha. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
She has an average social game. It didn’t seem to tip the scales for her, ever.
Rating: 2.5 / 5
Entertainment Value

Janani “J” Krishnan-Jha, Kellie Nalbandian, and Austin Li Coon. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
Janani was fun to watch when the heat was on but was never a headline castaway this season.
Rating: 2.5 / 5
Final Rating: 7.5 / 15
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Finding the idol was the only positive for Bruce. The players are aligning against him.
He may have dodged a massive bullet but you can bet he is still a popular target back at camp.
Her Survivor spider-sense was faulty.
Reba realized they were better off losing a number than making enemies.
She changed the course of the game by staying loyal to Kaleb.
Kaleb fought hard to stay in the game using every means in his disposal including his Shot in the Dark. The true test of his gameplay will be if he can shake the target that is on him.