Survivor 44 Scoop – Week 1 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 44 Scoop – Week 1 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
John Powell –
Watching the tumultuous premiere of Survivor 44 I was truly wondering if there was going to be anyone left to vote out by the end of the episode. Survivor 44 turned into an episode of New Amsterdam in the blink of an eye.
Poor Bruce Perreault, who looked like a very promising player, injured his head so badly that he was checked on by the superb Survivor medical team twice before being removed from the game. Which brings up the question: Did Bruce have to be sent home? On Australian Survivor injured castaways are sent for offsite medical evaluations and return to the game if they are cleared and aren’t out of action for a considerable amount of time. On the current season, ‘King’ George Mladenov bashed his head open pretty good and needed medical attention. He was stitched up and back in the game the next day.
Poor adventurous Matthew tried climbing up an outcrop just for the fun of it, slipped, fell and dislocated his shoulder. He remained in the game but was advised to wear a sling for a few days.
Poor Brandon almost fainted during the Immunity Challenge. He recovered in the shade until he felt better sitting out the rest of the challenge.
One has to wonder if someone angered Fijian goddess Lewa-Levu during their time on the island? I am placing my bet on Tony Vlachos.
Not only was “I Can’t Wait to See Jeff” dominated by injuries and heath issues but we had some new twists. We have a not-so hidden immunity idol at each camp locked in a cage. The players must find a key to free the idol. Along with the not-so hidden immunity idol is a ready-made, phony, not-so hidden immunity idol that I guess can be used to bamboozle another player.
Sarah, the management consultant from Chicago, won the Inheritance Advantage. It allows her to “secretly inherit all of the advantages and idols played at one tribal council”. That is some serious ammunition, arguably the most powerful advantage in Survivor history.
As with any premiere episode there has to be that poor soul who inherits the title of first boot until the next season airs. That honor…or is that a dishonour?…goes to Maddy Pomilla who joins the ranks of So Kim, Michelle Chase, John Raymond, Carolina Eastwood, etc, who you probably don’t remember and I don’t blame you. Maddy made the rookie mistake of thinking she could blindside someone who had a hidden immunity idol in their possession. Of course, Brandon was going to play it. It was the first tribal council, nobody knew exactly who to trust on Day 3 and he believed he was responsible for Ratu’s loss because he had to sit out of the challenge. Maddy basically booted herself.
Our only Canadian this season, Kane Fritzler, had a mixed bag of a first episode. He did make some good calls like advising the rest of Ratu to get busy building the camp infrastructure instead of searching for the key to the caged idol because Matt and Brandon wouldn’t appreciate their strategy play while they were completing the sweat challenge on the beach. Kane though screwed up by backing Maddy and voting for Brandon. Here’s hoping Kane can cast suspicion on someone else or can plead new tribal jitters and all will be forgiven. What will Kane’s fate be? Stay tuned, folks.
Moment # 5: The idol cages are discovered.
Moment # 4: Brandon has to sit the challenge out.
Moment # 3: Matt has a tumble.
Moment # 2: Bruce is injured at the first challenge.
Moment # 1: Bruce has to leave the game.
Maddy Pomilla
Instead of ferreting out what the general consensus of the tribe was she targeted Brandon claiming this was the “only time” they could wrest the idol from his hands. For some strange reason she also thought despite Ratu only being on the island for three days and Brandon thinking he was responsible for the immunity challenge loss that he wouldn’t play his idol in such a volatile and uncertain atmosphere.
Strategic Gameplay
She made so many rookie mistakes right out of the gate from thinking Brandon didn’t want to work with her just because he disagreed with her on whether to reveal the idol to her thinking he wouldn’t play that idol.
Rating: 1 / 5
Social Gameplay
From what we saw Maddy was successful in whispering in people’s ears but did they actually trust her?
Rating: 2 / 5
Entertainment Value
Maddy hit the ground running playing a very offensive game. That was fun to watch…for one episode.
Rating: 2.5 / 5
Final Rating: 5.5 / 15
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Lauren’s decision about her advantage is not playing well with the other members of her tribe.
Jaime is already being viewed as a loose canon by her tribemates.
Her bad decisions cost her the game.
Matt appears to be the admired and respected leader of Soka right now.
Kane was the voice of reason on several occasions…then he had to go and vote for Brandon.
Brandon played that tribal council perfectly maneuvering himself right out of danger.