Survivor 42 Scoop – Week 7 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 42 Scoop – Week 7 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

John Powell –
“Quite frankly there’s nothing more that I want then Chanelle to go home. I trusted her the first three days that we were here. She immediately stabbed me in the back. She has been playing everybody. She has been playing me. Where I come from, she is a snake,” said Mike.
Mike got what he wanted on tonight’s episode once he wrangled the core alliance in. Some of them seemed to be straying off into the ocean, into palm trees and into the campfire.
At that fireside chat with Jeff Probst though the tumultuous group managed to keep it together to make it through another vote while throwing some votes on Romero to keep him in line. Tori and Rocksroy may have voted with the group but they are still very much on the outside. Even if Tori didn’t win immunity, she probably wouldn’t have gone home as per Mike’s desire to boot Rachelle off the island first.
The silver lining for Rachelle is that she is the first member of the jury so she will have a say in who is eventually declared the Sole Survivor of this season.
The gold lining for Canadian fans is that as part of the alliance Maryanne and Omar are moving forward quite well and really aren’t on anyone’s radar.
Outshining them though is Drea who now has an idol, an extra vote, the amulet and now the Knowledge is Power advantage. That is a lot of power for one player to have. The problem for Drea is that Mike knows about the idol. Does he truly have her back? Time will tell.
Despite them being in the core alliance it was so strange to see Omar, Lindsay, Drea and Maryanne sit out of the immunity challenge with the finale within their grasp. These castaways must really, really be incapable of fishing, hunting and gathering to be that desperate for food.
Next week there is double the immunity and double the boots. One wonders if it is just to move the game along now that the core alliance is in the driver’s seat.
Stay tuned…
Moment # 5: Car, driver and passenger talk at tribal council.
Moment # 4: The tribe barters at the immunity challenge.
Moment # 3: Jonathan leads his team to victory…yet again.
Moment # 2: Drea finds an advantage.
Moment # 1: Tori suspects Drea is hiding something.
Next time on Survivor…
Chanelle Howell
Chanelle’s game has been a mess since Daniel called her out at tribal council, made things really awkward for them and the rest of the tribe. Choosing to risk her vote when there was such a close vote coming up was a miscalculation too. She has been erratic and inconsistent. Not the type of player you want to move forward with.
Strategic Gameplay
Her schemes have been flops. She lost her vote at the summit which sparked the entire fiasco at tribal council. Ratting out Daniel to save her own hide probably wasn’t taken well and her vote against Mike at the last tribal was odd to say the least. Why target him of all people?
Rating: 1 / 5
Social Gameplay
She had an average social game. It didn’t keep her around that much longer than Daniel.
Rating: 1 / 5
Entertainment Value
She will be remembered for the turbulent gameplay that rocked her right out of the game.
Rating: 1 / 5
Final Castaway Rating: 3 / 15
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
The Survivor game can turn on a dime at any moment. Why would anyone give up their shot at immunity? It boggles the mind.
Romeo needs to chill. Even his own closest allies felt they needed to teach him a lesson at tribal council.
Chanelle didn’t do enough to wipe her Survivor slate clean.
Drea pulled a fast one on everyone and may be the most powerful player in Survivor history with all those advantages. That is if the rug isn’t pulled out from under her.
Omar is certainly working for his paycheck. He was everywhere and anywhere making sure that his allies stayed on point.
Mike also made doubly sure that everyone followed the plan…his plan.