Survivor 42 Scoop – Week 4 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 42 Scoop – Week 4 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
John Powell –
Sometimes it is better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. The Ika Tribe faced such a decision this week when they were forced to pick between the duplicitous Swati and the underhanded Tori. The quandary did take the spotlight off the bossy Rocksroy though so you know he must have been counting his Survivor blessings.
Swati was clearly playing both sides and telling everyone the same story. Tori, on the other hand, had broken the trust she had with the other members of Ika by continuously being as sneaky as Ethan Hunt was in the CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. It is those skills of manipulation and persuasion though that helped Tori turn the tide against Swati before and during tribal council.
Rocksroy was the only vote for Swati to stay so he was clearly out of the loop probably because as a dad he saw the 19-year-old Swati as one of his own kids. Whatever the reason was it didn’t benefit his game. Standing out like that will likely draw the others even more tightly against him than they already are.
The good news for Canadian fans is that Maryanne and Omar are doing incredibly well. They aren’t just treading water in Fiji either. Maryanne is playing one of the strongest social games out there probably because everyone sees her as their kid sister. Omar is playing the “mostly harmless” card, game. Nobody seems threatened by him which could be a very big mistake. It is a big help that they are both on the same tribe and most assuredly shared the fact they are both from the Great White North.
Stay tuned…
Moment # 5: Jonathan leads Taku though another challenge.
Moment # 4: Rocksroy’s bossy montage.
Moment # 3: Swati’s playing both sides montage.
Moment # 2: Taku is not happy with Jonathan.
Moment # 1: Daniel has a lot to answer for back at camp.
Next time on Survivor…
Swati Goel
Swati came to play. She sided with the wrong people in Zach and Tori at Ika during the start of the game and then when she saw those allies dropping by the wayside she made everyone her ride or die. Previously expressing her mistrust of Drea didn’t help her position in the tribe or her cause at all either since Drea is someone who would keep the tribe strong in physical challenges.
Strategic Gameplay
Swati’s attempts at building a case against her targets didn’t really work out for her. She misread the tribal politics and dynamics so all of her lobbying was for naught.
Rating: 2 / 5
Social Gameplay
Swati didn’t seem to recover from going all in with Zach and Tori. She didn’t evolve her game quickly enough and in a series where there are three tribes, being able to pivot effectively is key.
Rating: 1 / 5
Entertainment Value
Swati didn’t let her age hinder her on the island. She didn’t take a backseat just because she was younger. She made her voice heard. She just didn’t pick the right people to speak to. She had a fire in her. We didn’t see enough of it or of her.
Rating: 1 / 5
Final Castaway Rating: 4 / 15
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
He didn’t do his already sinking game any favours by voting to keep Swati.
She may have survived the vote this week but it was by the skin of her teeth. The clock is ticking down on her game.
Playing all sides not just both sides dragged her game down.
Another fantastic challenge performance and it seems doubtful that a little flub on his part will hinder his overall game. He is such a phenomenal asset, especially on this season with these players.
Drea and Romeo came together to sort out the mess that was Ika.
A very big part of the reason why she stayed was she was able to sway Ika that Swati was a far bigger threat than she was.