Survivor 35 Scoop – Week 9 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 35 Scoop – Week 9 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
By: John Powell –
One of the most important skills a leader can develop is the ability to listen to others. If people don’t feel their voices are being heard and considered, they will abandon all hope and revolt, rebel. The Tribal Council fire pit is filled with the torches of Survivor leaders who mismanaged their way right out of the game.
Ben Driebergen has been ruling the Round Table Alliance since the merger. Although there are a multitude of sub-alliances that are waiting to make their move once all of the Healers are sent packing, for right now everyone is following Ben but there are murmurs behind his back.
There are very few targets for the Round Table Alliance to choose from now. All that’s left are Joe Mena, Mike Zahalsky and Cole Medders. Cole is the obvious challenge threat which is why Ben strongly pushed the Round Table Alliance take him out first when he failed to win the Immunity Challenge. Let’s face facts though, Ben also has personal issues with Cole however, that doesn’t make Cole any less of a challenge beast.
Ben’s misstep is he didn’t listen to Ashley Nolan and Chrissy Hofbeck who wanted Joe to hit the road for his belligerent behaviour. His reaction seemed dismissive and strident. That didn’t go over well with the others who are feeling Ben is driving the bus and they are just along for the ride. That kind of perception, whether true or false could be the difference between winning and losing when it comes to the jury. Traditionally, Survivor juries don’t think pawns are deserving of the million dollars.
With all that said, could we be seeing the end of Ben’s reign as the Round Table’s King Arthur? If so, I say it comes at the hands of Chrissy who doesn’t seem to like taking a backseat to anyone. Ben is reaching a crucial phase of his leadership and if he doesn’t play his cards right he could be taking a bitter seat on the jury.
WARNING: Spoilers below this line…
Survivor Scoop – Week 9: Top Moments
This week’s Top Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers Moments are…
Moment # 5: Reward Winners Get Mooned
Moment # 4: Devon and Ben Form A New Alliance
Moment # 3: The Round Table Debates Their Target
Moment # 2: Lauren, Mike Argue At Tribal
Moment # 1: Joe Gets On Chrissy, Ashley’s Nerves
RELATED: Play the Survivor Fantasy Tribe Pool | Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers
Next time on Survivor…
Week 9: Game Fail – Cole Medders
Even though we got the impression that Cole was a decent guy, he was a Survivor calamity from start to finish. One questions whether he watched much Survivor at all before being cast. If so, he might not have betrayed his own allies and he might not have made such elementary, rash mistakes.
Strategic Gameplay
Cole didn’t see any issue with making his relationship with Jessica Johnston public or the target their bond would put on them. He also couldn’t keep a secret to save his life revealing information without discussing it with Jessica at all. It looked like Jessica took their partnership a lot more seriously than Cole ever did. Once Jessica was gone, he struggled to smooth over his rocky relationships with others to no avail.
Rating: 1 / 5
RELATED: Jessica Johnston Dishes on Post-Showmance With Cole Medders in Survivor Season 35 Exit Interview
Social Gameplay
Despite being a rather kind soul Cole didn’t curb his infuriating conduct. He continued to eat more than his fair share of food and even gobbled a larger fish without sharing it with anyone. His self-centred actions played a big part in why he was eventually targeted, voted out over the other Healers.
Rating: 2 / 5
Entertainment Value
Though we were all rolling our eyes and shaking our heads at Cole’s gameplay, he was compelling for that very reason. His bad game made for good television.
Rating: 4 / 5
Final Castaway Rating: 6 / 15
Week 9: Powell’s Picks
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Bronze Amateur: Joe Mena and Mike Zahalsky
Joe dug his hole even further but why did Mike feel he had to join him? Did he want to give everyone the impression he was a power player before being booted?
Silver Amateur: Ryan Ulrich
Ryan is really overplaying his hand and it wouldn’t be a surprise if his double dealing catches up with him.
Gold Amateur: Cole Medders
Besides winning challenges he didn’t have much game at all.
Bronze MVP: Devon Pinto
He has seen the bigger picture and might be strengthening his game.
Silver MVP: Chrissy Hofbeck and Ashley Nolan
It is about time they took control of the Round Table Alliance.
Gold MVP: Lauren Rimmer
Ever since the merger she has intensified her strategy and overall gameplay which has culminated in her Immunity win.
Watch Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers Wednesdays at 8 et/pt on Global.
CATCH UP NOW: Survivor Season 35, Episode 9: “Fear of the Unknown”