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Survivor 35 Scoop – Week 7 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor 35 Scoop – Week 7 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor 35 Scoop – Week 7 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments


By: John Powell – GobalTV.com

The war that’s been brewing on Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers finally erupted at the merged Tribal Council last night. A line has been clearly drawn in the sand, at least for now.

The Healers who started out the game so well winning every Immunity Challenge up until the tribal swap currently find themselves being double-teamed. The remaining Heroes (Ben Driebergen, John Paul “JP” Hilsabeck, Chrissy Hofbeck and Ashley Nolan) have joined forces with the enduring Hustlers (Devon Pinto, Lauren Rimmer and Ryan Ulrich).

Outnumbered and outmanoeuvred, the Healers only hope now is to somehow find those cracks, find Hidden Immunity Idols, and do something to shatter the super alliance that’s been formed. Not helping their cause is the fact that Joe Mena isn’t a discrete player, Mike Zahalsky mistakenly put his trust in Ben, Jessica Johnston and Cole Medders are immense targets to everyone and Desiree “Desi” Williams is not a student of the game.

Tilting the scales back in their favour is not impossible. They just have to seize opportunities, make the most of them and split those fractures wide open.

WARNING: Survivor Spoilers below this line…

Survivor Recap – Episode 7: Top Moments

This week’s Top Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers  Moments are…




Moment # 5: Chrissy Bungles Her Strategy Talk With Ben




Moment # 4: Cole Apologizes To Ben




Moment # 3: Hunger Sets In At Levu




Moment # 2: Joe Drops a Bomb at Tribal Council




Moment # 1: The Tribes Are Merged

RELATED: Play the Survivor Fantasy Tribe Pool | Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers

Week 7: Game Fail – Jessica Johnston


She couldn’t see the forest for the tree, that tree being Cole. Throughout the game Jessica looked like she had the right instincts. Every time she seemed ready to break loose, her feelings for Cole held her back. The best thing for her game would have been to distance herself from him as Cole was not just a tumultuous player. He never valued Jessica as a partner as much as she valued him. If you are in a partnership, an alliance or a relationship like that, things are bound to come apart.

Strategic Gameplay


Having such an open and public relationship with Cole was a bad move. It made her a target above others. Cole also betrayed her trust numerous times. He was a terrible ally even if he might have been a good friend.

Rating: 2 / 5

Social Gameplay


Unlike her Romeo, Jessica at least spread her wings socially keeping on everyone’s good side and mitigating the damage Cole was doing by revealing info he shouldn’t and chowing down on anything and everything in sight. The effort didn’t seem enough though for others to see her as a trustworthy and vital ally.

Rating: 3 / 5

Entertainment Value


Rating: 3 / 5

Jessica came across as a genuinely nice person, a player you could cheer for. Her relationship with Cole overshadowed her own Survivor story. If only she had made the game more of a priority than her romance.

Final Castaway Rating: 8 / 15

Week 7: Powell’s Picks

Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.


Bronze Amateur: Chrissy Hofbeck

Is her ego getting the best of her? Blurting out answers to Jeff Probst’s questions during the Immunity Challenge and talking strategy with Ben in front of everyone were elementary Survivor mistakes.


Silver Amateur: Joe Mena and Mike Zahalsky

Joe is still going out of his way to antagonize people and Mike trusts all the wrong people.


Gold Amateur: Jessica Johnston

She should have worried more about her game than her relationship with Cole.


Bronze MVP: Lauren Rimmer

Lauren finally made the right choice and stuck with better alliance partners in Ben, Ryan and Devon.


Silver MVP: Devon Pinto

He did a lot of work in bringing both sides together and he also wasn’t afraid to speak him mind when the new group discussed strategy.


Gold MVP: Ben Driebergen

Although one could argue he strung some people along this episode, it could be because he was cornered and had no choice. Ben has set himself up quite nicely.

Watch Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers Wednesdays at 8 et/pt on Global.

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