Tiera Skovbye
Grace Knight (The Heart)
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Birthplace: Vancouver
Current residence: Vancouver
Ethnic Background: Canadian/Scandinavian
Siblings: Little sister – Ali Skovbye (also an actor!).
Pets: Dog named, Scout. I rescued her from LA three years ago. She’s a 16-pound chihuahua mix.
Hobbies/Active Interests: Hiking and exploring new cities, reading, spending time with animals, and music. I love seeing live music any chance I can.
First job: Commercial for a Ford Truck when I was seven.
Fondest memory: The day my little sister was born. I was seven, so I really remember the day and the first time I saw her little raisin face.
Inspiration: I always get really inspired watching videos or reading stories about people who do incredibly kind things for strangers.
Motto: Not all those who wander are lost.
Greatest accomplishment: So far this – being the lead of a really great show – feels like a pretty amazing accomplishment.
Pet Peeves:
When people chew really loudly.
When people walk really close behind you.
Superstitions: I have this ritual do before I get on an airplane. I’ve done it for years and now I can never stop.
First kiss story summed up in three words: Truth or dare.
The best part of my job is: Working with wonderful creative people.
My friends/family tease me about… They say I talk a lot and very loudly sometimes. My sister always says when I come home I don’t shut up.
My must-have travel bag product(s)…
Hand sanitizer
Snacks, always gotta have snacks
Chap stick
Vitamin C
Do you cook? If so, what is your specialty?
I wish I did, but it really stresses me out. I can make good crepes though.
Three things I can’t live without…
1. Pizza
2. My dog
3. Chap stick
Three things people don’t know about me…
1. I really hate spinach
2. I have three tattoos
3. I bite my nails
List any rituals you may have when prepping for an audition/key scene:
Breathing and vocal warm ups to help get into my body and get rid of nerves. I also never drink caffeine before an audition, so I don’t get jittery.
The first thing I do in the morning is: Put on my glasses so I can see.
The last thing I do before I go to bed at night is: Take vitamins and put on lip mask.
Describe yourself in three words… Funny, adventurous, caring.
Places I have visited… Tokyo (twice), Paris, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Cuba, and cities throughout Canada and the USA.
Childhood ambition: I started acting when I was seven, and I kinda always knew I wanted to be an actor.
When did you realize you wanted to act? When I started studying at an acting school in Vancouver on the weekends when I was 12.
How did you get your start? I was scouted by an agent at a children’s festival in Vancouver.
Career highlights: This so far! Haha – also filming a movie last summer (2018) in Hawaii.
TV Show: Friends
Movie: Princess Bride
Actor: Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio (I know, Titanic, I know!)
Band(s): So, so, so many, I love music.
Food: Pizza
Book: The Alchemist
City: Tokyo
Holiday location: Anywhere warm
Time of year: Summer
Do you like to travel? If so, where have you been?
I love traveling and I’ve been to many places so far.
What was your favourite place(s) and why?
I really loved Tokyo. I went for modeling when I was 15 and then again when I was 18, and it is such an incredible place.
Do you collect anything specific on your travels?
I always try and bring back a little keep sake from wherever I go.
If there is anything else you want to say about yourself?
I really love animals, I rescued my dog from a shelter, and I try to be an advocate for animals.
I also am very open about talking about mental health. I suffer from anxiety myself and have always tried to speak candidly about it with my followers. I think it’s something that people don’t talk about enough and so I try to help normalize it the best I can.

Natasha Calis
Ashley Collins (The Liver)
Zodiac sign: Aries
Birthplace: Vancouver, Canada
Hometown: Coquitlam, BC
Current residence: Toronto while filming, but Vancouver is home.
Ethnic Background: Canadian, but Icelandic on my mom’s side and Greek on my dad’s side.
Siblings: Half brother and sister.
Pets: Dog named Bennie.
Hobbies/Active Interests: I’ve played soccer since I was four!
Languages spoken: English, and I took eight years of French, but can’t speak the language!
First job: Fisher Price Commercial.
Fondest memory: All the summers with my family spent on our boat.
Indulgence: Candy/cookies/cheese
Motto: Everything happens for a reason.
Greatest accomplishment: I hiked the Grand Canyon, and ran my first half marathon in the fall.
Personal style: Changes every day! Always like to switch it up.
Pet Peeves:
When people crack their neck, knuckles, etc.
When you turn your car off and the windshield wipers are stopped in the middle.
People who don’t eat pizza crust.
First kiss story summed up in three words: Spin the bottle.
The best part of my job is… Meeting so many talented people who share the same passion as me.
Person you would most want to meet and why? Tiera Skovbye. She’s my idol!
My friends/family tease me about: How much coffee I drink.
My must-have travel bag product(s):
Saje pocket pharmacy
Hand sanitizer
Lip balm
Do you cook? If so, what is your specialty? I make some mean eggs.
Three things I can’t live without:
1. Coffee
2. Food
3. Family/friends
Three things people don’t know about me:
1. I’ve hiked the Grand Canyon.
2. I play high level soccer.
3. I love toast with jam and swiss cheese and also put peanut butter on cheddar cheese (yes, there’s a cheese theme).
List any rituals you may have when prepping for an audition/key scene:
Depends on the circumstances, but I often listen to music.
The first thing I do in the morning is: Make food.
The last thing I do before I go to bed at night is: Put on lip balm.
Describe yourself in three words: Fun, adventurous, athletic.
Childhood ambition: Actress by day, spy by night.
When did you realize you wanted to act? I came out of the womb acting (they were fake tears).
How did you get your start? Got an agent.
Career highlights: The Possession and THIS!
Musician: Recently I’ve been listening a lot to The Lumineers.
Actor: Sandra Bullock and Sam Rockwell come to mind right now.
Food: Sushi, burritos, pizza, pasta
Book: Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
City: Vancouver
Holiday location: ANYWHERE! I love to travel.
Time of year: Fall/Christmas
Travel destination: One of my favourite places/trips was travelling all over Brazil.
Have you taken any special training? Fourteen years of dance, I played soccer since I was four and I used to play volleyball.

Jordon Johnson-Hinds
Keon Colby (The Spine)
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Birthplace: Toronto, Canada
Current residence: Los Angeles
Ethnic Background: Jamaican and Guyanese
Siblings: Youngest of six.
Pets: One cat. His name is Prittaz.
Sports: Basketball and Football. WE THE NORTH!
First job: Cashier at the CNE.
Inspiration: Cali Palm Trees.
Motto: Quitters never win and winners never quit.
Greatest accomplishment: Getting accepted into Oxford University for their drama program.
Personal style: Simple.
Superstitions: Anytime I look at someone crossing the street they trip.
First kiss story summed up in three words: Grade eight summer.
The best part of my job is… Working on projects you know a lot of people will watch and hopefully enjoy.
Person you would most want to meet and why? Will Smith. He is my role model.
My friends/family tease me about… I’m the one they poke fun at all the time.
Do you cook? If so, what is your specialty? I like to cook chicken, rice and salad. Simple and healthy.
Three things I can’t live without…
1. My family
2. My true friends
3. Acting
Something you’d be surprised to know about me: I like to put syrup on my pancakes, eggs, and bacon.
The first thing I do in the morning is: Pray.
The last thing I do before I go to bed at night is: Pray.
Describe yourself in three words… Loving, determined, inspired.
Places I have visited… Egypt, Germany, Japan, England, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Cuba, Barbados and Bahamas and Dominica.
Childhood ambition: Basketball player.
When did you realize you wanted to act? When I was in 8th grade.
How did you get your start? I saw a close friend on a movie screen at Scarborough Town Centre and said if he could do it, I can do it!
Career highlights: Working with Greg Daniels in L.A. with the skyline and sunset setting.
Musician: Drake
TV Show: Breaking Bad, Black Mirror
Movie: Drive
Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis
Food: Thai food
Book: The Alchemist
City: Los Angeles or London
Holiday location: Dominica. It’s the Nature Isle of the Caribbean. So green and lush.
Time of year: Summer
Charitable affiliation: LetsPlayOn.org, for Neurological Research and Brain Aneurysm Awareness.

Sandy Sidhu
Nazneen Khan (The Brain)
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Current residence: Toronto, Ontario
Ethnic Background: South Asian/East Indian
Siblings: Paul and Rita
Hobbies/Active Interests: I love interior design and Bollywood classic movies. I paint as a hobby in acrylics. It’s for me, and I’ve never sold anything, but painting is a big part of my life.
Languages spoken: Punjabi and English
First job: My dad’s mill doing clean up duty.
Education: I am a graduate from UBC (western university). I studied Cell biology and genetics but pursued acting instead. I trained at Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in Los Angeles.
Fondest memory: Any quality time spent with loved ones or friends.
Indulgence: carrot cake
Inspiration: The ocean. I always go to clear my head.
Motto: Be kind, rewind.
Greatest accomplishment: Sky diving, even though I was scared to death.
Vices: Doritos. Keep. Them. AWAY.
Personal style: Elegant and refined.
Pet Peeves: People who cut in lines.
Superstitions: I try not to have any, but for some reason, I lift my feet up in a car when I drive past a cemetery. Don’t ask me why – just something silly I did as a kid because they scared me, and then I just kept doing it.
First kiss story summed up in three words: Very, very awkward.
The best part of my job is… Connecting authentically with the person across from me and assisting in telling a story for an audience.
Person you would most want to meet and why? Meryl Streep. Obvious reasons.
My friends/family tease me about… Arriving to an airport two hours earlier than I have to. I have a fear of missing my flight.
I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing? I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing nothing!
My must-have travel bag product(s)… Body moisturizer, and a refillable water bottle (life saver!)
Do you cook? If so, what is your specialty? I am the worst cook on the planet. But I have this weird ability to cook roast veggies exceptionally well. Everything else is horrific. But I do love washing dishes (actually).
Three things I can’t live without…
1. Running shoes (I always wear sneakers when I can. I’m known for it in my family.
2. Sushi (I LOVE sushi).
3. The ocean! I grew up on Vancouver Island, so I need to live by the water.
Three things people don’t know about me…
1. I carry a water bottle with me everywhere I go.
2. I dip Doritos in sour cream. It’s freaking delicious and you can judge me all you want.
3. I’ve seen Jurassic Park an ungodly amount of times. Probably hundreds.
List any rituals you may have when prepping for an audition/key scene:
I always try to take in the world as I travel to my audition. I don’t want to disconnect from reality (which is easy when nerves come in). I find if I observe people and life around me, it’ll be easier to connect with my reader in the audition room. This helped with my auditions a lot. Other than that, no real rituals. I make sure I have my lines memorized.
The first thing I do in the morning is: Sit with a cup of coffee and pick a mantra for the day. Yes. I actually do this. I’m a cheeseball, but it really influences my day for the better!
The last thing I do before I go to bed at night is: Get off social media one hour before bed, relax with books or call my family.
Describe yourself in three words… Straight-shooter, honest, quirky.
Places I have visited… England, Germany, Greece, India, and New Zealand.
Childhood ambition: When I was a kid I wanted to be a cartoonist. For films or comics.
When did you realize you wanted to act? I used to be incredibly shy and my best friend encouraged me to sign up for theatre to combat my nerves at 14. That moment is the only reason I act today.
How did you get your start? The producers of Stargate Universe gave me my first opportunity in film. I’ll always be so grateful to them for that.
Career highlights: THIS. Also, my first play. I was an extra in West Side Story. It was such a rush, and I’ll never forget the first moment I stepped on the stage. I’ve had some pretty incredible moments since then, including the time I spent filming the Hallmark movie Frozen In Love with Rachael Leigh Cook. Top down, everyone on that set was incredible, kind. Rachael is one of the nicest people in show biz.
TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Movie: Jurassic Park
Actor: Meryl Streep
Band(s): Queen
Food: Sushi or Thai
Book: Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
City: Christchurch, New Zealand
Holiday location: Greece
Time of year: Summer
Place I have visited so far: India is so special to my heart. While I’m first generation Canadian, my parents were raised there, and so I have a special connection with the country.

Donald Maclean Jr.
Wolf Burke (The Lungs)
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Hometown: Ajax and Oshawa
Current residence: North York
Ethnic Background: Canadian/Mexican
Siblings: sister Lillian MacLean, brother Jack MacLean.
Hobbies/Active Interests: I enjoy fitness and sports. I love film – watching it and creating it from all avenues. I write poetry, and enjoy music, and I also consider myself a nachos enthusiast.
Languages spoken: French and English
First job: Retail job at American Eagle.
Fondest memory: Performing my first monologue.
Indulgence: Any food!
Inspiration: Ethan Hawke and Ryan Gosling are two of my favourite artists who I look up to. My family and friends inspire me to achieve anything. I find film-making a medium for inspiration, especially at this point in time.
Greatest accomplishment: Whenever I feel I’m being honest with myself.
Personal style: Really terrible fashion style.
Superstitions: Saying terribly negative things about something you have to do. Because you may never get anything positive from it.
First kiss story summed up in three words: You go first
The best part of my job is… Being able to take a story and play it out.
Person you would most want to meet and why? Joe Rogan, he’s a great conversationalist.
My friends/family tease me about… Always looking at myself.
I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing? Anything expensive.
My must-have travel bag product(s)… Gel
Do you cook? If so, what is your specialty? I can cook really bad eggs.
Three things I can’t live without…
1. Movies
2. Podcasts
3. My bed
Three things people don’t know about me…
1. I live off hot sauce.
2. I try to play guitar, but I suck.
3. I don’t know what to do when socializing.
The first thing I do in the morning is: Meditate.
The last thing I do before I go to bed at night is: Run the scenes for the next day.
Career highlights: Writing my first monologue, directing a film that I wrote, and leading a full-length play.
Childhood ambition: To be an actor or play in a professional sport. I literally would have done anything to be either.
When did you realize you wanted to act? When I realized how obsessed I was with film and presentations at school.
How did you get your start? My drama teacher encouraged me.
Musician: Drake or Johnny Cash
TV Show: Game of Thrones
Movie: Thunder Road
Actor: Ethan Hawke
Band(s): The Modern Lovers Food: Nachos
Book: The Catcher in the Rye City: Toronto
Holiday location: Italy Time of year: Spring