Memphis rates the final four
Memphis rates the final four
By John Powell –
He finished second and made it to the finals with one of the greatest Big Brother players of all time, season ten winner Dan Gheesling. Who better then to rate the remaining players than Memphis Garrett? Here is what he had to say to GlobalTV about the remaining All-Stars.
Nicole Franzel: “I think she has a great strategy for the game. She is very well-liked. The fact that she is still in that house amazes me every day.”
Cody Calafiore: “He is a straight-forward guy. He is competing to win. If he doesn’t win these competitions he is a dead man walking. Hopefully, he will win some if he wants to stay around.”
Enzo Palumbo: “He is light-hearted and funny. He has a great time and that was probably part of his strategy and why he is still in the house. He is easy-going and he’s funny. He is just fun to be around.”
Christmas Abbott: “She is an intense player and competitor. I don’t know how her jury management has been. If she does end up in the final two I don’t know if she is going to have a chance to take home the win. I wish her the best of luck though.”
Turning the tables on him we wanted to know how Memphis rated his own game, how he thinks Dan would rate it and what were his overall thoughts on this All-Stars season.
John Powell: To be fair, how would you rate your own game and what would Dan think about it?
Memphis Garrett: “I think Dan will say my game was good. I hope so. (Laughs) I hope it was good and entertaining. I surprised myself in getting as far as I did, to be honest with you. It was an All-Star cast with some great players. It was very difficult. If I had to rate my game, you know what I am going to rate it, I am going to rate it a nine and only a nine because I didn’t win! (Laughs) We will leave it at that.”
John Powell: In a pre-season interview you said you wouldn’t mind being stuck in the Big Brother house with Christmas. What do you think of her now as a person and player having spent time with her?
Memphis Garrett: “That was so funny and ironic that I saw Christmas when I walked through the door because in the interview I was pushed to say someone’s name and it was Christmas…and there she was. I got to know her really well. She is an awesome human. (Lowering his voice) She is very intense and sometimes scary. (Laughs) But, other than that, I think she has a great game and I wish her the best of luck.”
John Powell: Game-wise what is your biggest regret?
Memphis Garrett: “It was probably trusting Enzo too quickly and too soon. I should have vetted Enzo out and I would probably have had better results in the game.”
John Powell: At the beginning of the game you gave David a bit of a hard time. Why did you choose to do so and what do you think of him now?
Memphis Garrett: “Giving him a hard time was just fun for me. He was a rookie. He is in the house with people who have been in the house and the game for 75 to 80 days and above. I was just busting his chops like a rookie should get his chops busted. As far as David the person I have no issue at all with him as a human being. We will probably sit, drink beer and watch some games together and have a great time. I have no hard feelings at all towards David.”
John Powell: Do you think generational differences played a part in the house this year and how so?
Memphis Garrett: “I don’t want to say generational age differences played a part but I think different generations playing the game played a part. This game has changed exponentially over the years and I think the older players really needed to shift how they played the game to survive. That is one reason I created The Committee, so I could survive in the new age of the game.”
Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Mondays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.