Big Brother live feed spoilers: HoH changes their plan, goes for the direct hit
Big Brother live feed spoilers: HoH changes their plan, goes for the direct hit

HoH Chelsie has made her initial nominations for the week. She picked Angela, Kenney and Lisa.
Right before the nomination ceremony today Makensy, Leah and Chelsie met in the HoH room.
None of them think Lisa is a real chef. They watched the way she cut vegetables the other day and they don’t think that is how a chef works.
“I think she is a really good liar,” Chelsie suggesting they use her HoH to expose the power they think Lisa has. They believe the power is an extra vote.
“I am not scared to tell people as long as they have my best interest,” Makensy said about her power. She has told only Matt, Lisa and Chelsie about the America’s Veto power which allows her to save someone from the block but America not the HoH must name the replacement nominee.
“You are done. That’s it,” Leah told Makensy sternly but with a smile.
“No more telling people?” asked Makensy.
Leah shook her head in the negative.
“I can see who genuinely wants to play this game the way I want to play this game and that is who I want to rock with at the very end,” said Makensy.
“I am not putting you up. I am not forcing you to use it unless you want to use it,” said Chelsie to Makensy.
“I want you all to know I have it so you feel safe with me and if I don’t go up I can help you if that is what we need especially on Week Four,” replied Makensy.
Suggesting they needed a pawn to put on the block so that Lisa doesn’t have the opportunity to play veto the trio brought Cam into the meeting.
“I want to expose the power. I don’t want her to win the veto or even play. So, I don’t want to put her up initially. Kenney, Angela are easy. Kenney offered himself as tribute,” explained Chelsie.
“He said to put him up?” asked Cam.
“He said put me up, immediately,” said Chelsie.
“I don’t have a problem with being a pawn. I do think if I don’t win the veto the house will flip and vote me out,” said a concerned Cam who wasn’t crazy about the idea.
“Kenney wants to go home,” Chelsie insisted. “If anyone takes themselves off the block Lisa is going up.”
Chelsie met with Kenney afterwards.
“You are not someone I am targeting at all,” Chelsie reassured him.
“If I was to go home I would be at peace with it,” said Kenney.
Still looking for a pawn Chelsie pulled Cedric aside.
“I was going to do Lisa but I don’t want her to be able to play in the veto. I need a pawn. Who do you think I should put up?” she asked him.
Cedric stammered that he didn’t know.
“If worse comes to worse and we cannot find anyone I will go up,” he offered.
“Are you sure?” asked Chelsie before she was called to the Diary Room and prepared to make her nominations.
What the houseguests don’t know is Lisa doesn’t have a power. It is Quinn who has the Deep Fake HoH power which allows him to control an HoH’s nominations.
Stay tuned for more news, views, interviews and live feed spoilers all season long and watch the latest episodes here.