Melissa McCarthy’s Surprise Guest Appearance On The Late Show
Melissa McCarthy’s Surprise Guest Appearance On The Late Show

Melissa McCarthy crashed The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night to a standing ovation from the studio audience, and, without being too presumptuous, likely the home audience as well.
McCarthy is no stranger to The Late Show, and it’s always super exciting when unscheduled guests arrive on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert – despite the obvious preparation, Stephen always makes it feel like it’s a good friend just coming by for a visit. Plus, Stephen makes his guests do goofy antics, like stick their head in a tiny box with him to have banal conversation, or lay on a tartan blanket to muse over life’s most difficult questions. McCarthy, though, came aboard to do another installment of Community Calendar, where she and Stephen read the upcoming events for her hometown, Plainfield, Illinois.
You might know Melissa McCarthy as a bridesmaid (Bridesmaids), a spy (Spy), or even as a ghostbuster (Ghostbusters). Or from one of her TV shows, like the underground Gilmore Girls, the sleeper hit Mike & Molly or that indie series currently on called Nobodies (just kidding, all of her series have been massive mainstream hits). She’s currently starring in her new film Life of the Party, which makes it sound like she might be playing herself in a biopic, but that actually isn’t the case.
But, it really would seem like it, right? Someone who mixes red wine and white wine in her mouth can only be described with the words “Life of the Party”. Because if doing that doesn’t quite cut it to be called “Life of the Party”, then do we really want to find out exactly how far someone has to go to qualify?
It’s nice to see someone like Melissa McCarthy show up to The Late Show just for some fun – interviews are great, but a change of pace every now and then is refreshing. Having a big star such as McCarthy going against the interview formula is certainly entertaining.
Catch more of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert airing weeknights at 11.35 et/pt on Global, and watch the latest episodes online here on!