Big Brother 19: Dominique Cooper Exclusive Exit Interview: She Lost Big Brother, But Not Her Faith
Big Brother 19: Dominique Cooper Exclusive Exit Interview: She Lost Big Brother, But Not Her Faith

By: John Powell –
Her big play backfired, but Dominique Cooper never lost faith throughout her Big Brother 19 experience.
The 31-year-old engineer astutely labeled Paul Abrahamian as this season’s “snake” but in weeding out the devious veteran she made herself a massive target in the house. Having lost the Battle Back and now out of the running to win Big Brother 19, Dominique still hasn’t forgiven Paul.
“As a player and as a person, I lost all desire to mend and maintain a relationship with Paul. He didn’t practice what he preached, especially in his friendship circle,” said Dominique.
It should be no surprise that if she had stayed in the game Dominique says she would have targeted Paul for his double-dealing and deceit but she really had no faith in any of the other players either.
“Paul would have been my FIRST target. He disrespected me and took the first stab in my back. For that, I would’ve worked hard to make him pay a hefty price. I would’ve aligned with….Ahhhhhh….NO ONE!?” she said emphatically.
Things started to go wrong for Dominique when her talk show in the house drew controversy for its uncompromising questioning. That caused the other Houseguests to become suspicious of Dominique’s true intentions. Dominique insists the talk show wasn’t meant to stir up any trouble or make her fellow Houseguests feel uncomfortable.
“The show was created to provide a platform for the Houseguests to get to know each other and connect with live feeders. There is a lot of downtime in the house so the TV show was a fun thing to do. I’ve always wanted to host TV shows and events so I decided to take full advantage of this opportunity. After Cody Nickson’s interview and the expressed concerns of my teammates, I realized it wasn’t perceived that way. It negatively impacted my game,” she said regretfully.
After her very public argument with Paul, Dominique lost many of her allies and began to spend much of her time alone with her Bible. Dominique maintains that despite appearances, she never threw in the towel.
“A queen never quits! I will never quit something that I know I was purposed to do. I preferred to gracefully accept my destiny and many didn’t understand my disposition. I recall correcting Paul when he said that I secluded myself. That was not the case. The entire house avoided me like I was contagious and their posture towards me communicated a very clear message. Hence, I gave them that respect. As desperately as I wanted my fellow Houseguests to hear my side of the story, I realized Paul had already planted seeds of fear and deception in their hearts,” she said.
Deeply committed to her faith, Dominique admits the Big Brother house and the game tested her in many ways but that same faith helped her maintain her focus and realize what was truly important to her while living in the Big Brother house. She may have lost the game but she never lost her dedication.
“My faith is everything. I absolutely love me some Jesus! I promised to enter the house as a woman of integrity and vowed to stay true to my core values. While in the house, I found comfort and peace in the Lord. My faith helped me to keep it tight and right!” she said.
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CATCH UP NOW ON THE LATEST EPISODE: Big Brother Season 19, Episode 13