Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Coming up August 7 – August 11
Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Coming up August 7 – August 11

Stephen Nichols, Mary Beth Evans "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 03/01/17 © XJjohnson/ Pictures Television 310-657-9661 Episode # 13138 U.S.Airdate 07/27/17
Monday, August 7th – Joey puts himself in harm’s way to save Kayla.
Tuesday, August 8th – Anjelica lures Adrienne into a trap.
Wednesday, August 9th – Steve and Kayla clash over the situation with Tripp and Joey.
Thursday, August 10th – Lani is put in a tough position at work.
Friday, August 11th – Chad and Sonny compare notes about the night of Deimos’s murder.
Find out what happens next on Days of Our Lives, weekdays on or the Global Go app!