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Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: HoH Accused of Making Threats

Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: HoH Accused of Making Threats

Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: HoH Accused of Making Threats


By: John Powell – GlobalTV.com

This week’s HoH is on a tear. Tom Green, the Canadian comedian, has consolidated all the power in the house by also winning the Power of Veto. Tom has nominated Natalie and Ricky for eviction.

Lolo and Ricky talked about what happened when the live feeds returned after the competition.

“How are you holding up?” Lolo asked Ricky.

“I am doing okay. It wasn’t good to go out like that though. We knew that one of us was going to go. That part doesn’t hurt. I just I performed better,” said a disappointed Ricky.

“I wonder what he is going to do next?” asked Lolo.

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“Keep it the same, right? He will let the house decide,” answered Ricky.

“All I can say is Tom Green is a mother f—–g beast when it comes to these competitions. It is so crazy,” exclaimed Natalie entering the room.

“I am the target. I promise I am the target. You are wasting your energy. It is my turn,” Ricky assured Lolo, Natalie and Tamar.

“The only vote he has is Kandi’s,” replied Tamar.

“…and she is whack as f—k,” said Natalie.

“Calm down. Kandi and Tom are going on the mother——-g block and we vote Tom out,” Natalie vowed.

Tom laid out his plans while playing pool with Kandi upstairs.

“I am still thinking about using the Veto,” admitted Tom.

“What? And do what?” said a surprised Kandi.

“Putting up somebody that guarantees I get rid of Ricky,” said Tom.

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“Oh, my god. That is not a good idea,” said Kandi shaking her head.

“I don’t want Natalie to go. I want Ricky to go so I am going to do what I gotta do to get Ricky,” said  Tom.

“That is so crazy. I am telling you now,” laughed Kandi.

“I am crazy,” Tom joked.

“It is going to bite you in the ass,” predicted Kandi. “You are letting your emotions control you.”

“He is controlling the moves of the other side of the house,” said Tom of Ricky.

“What makes you believe that?” asked Kandi.

“Because they all crowd around him like he is the Zen master of the game,” said Tom.

Kandi told Tamar about her discussion with Tom later on.

“He says, well, I am thinking about using the Veto to take Natalie off,” said Kandi.

“To put me up?” asked Tamar.

“To force me to vote against Ricky,” said Kandi.

“Let me tell you something. Tom doesn’t dictate anything in my life. He is like a major asshole and I tried to warn you about him,” said an angry Tamar.

Tamar immediately stormed into the kitchen to confront Tom.

“So, you want to put me up so people vote how you want them to vote? You have to threaten people?” she said.

“You gotta stop using that word,” replied Tom.

“Well, you gotta stop doing that b——t!” yelled Tamar.

“It is a game, Tamar,” said Tom.

“It is not a game, not when you threaten people and that is your tactic,” she yelled as the live feeds were cut to the usual static pause screen.

This is the rest of the Celebrity Big Brother schedule on GlobalTV:

Thursday, Feb. 7

9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT

Friday, Feb. 8

8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT

(2-Hour Episode)

Monday, Feb. 11

9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT

Wednesday, Feb. 13

8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT