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Big Brother Spoilers: New HoH has a target

Big Brother Spoilers: New HoH has a target

Big Brother Spoilers: New HoH has a target


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

With Daniel Durston’s reign null and void due to the departure of Paloma, the Big Brother house has a new Head of Household.

When the live feeds returned on Friday morning it was Jasmine Davis, the entrepreneur from Georgia, who was revealed to be the new HoH.

The news has shocked and confused some fans who saw Jasmine appear to touch the ground during the first phase of the Head of Household challenge and also hurt her ankle. While climbing a rock wall, Jasmine can be seen losing her footing and appearing to step on the mat below with one foot sending confetti into the air. As per the rules of the competition Jasmine would have had to return to the start of the course. Jasmine though was allowed to continue on and was declared the winner of that phase beating Terrance.

Jasmine won the final phase to claim the crown. The final phase was a pie eating contest.

Jasmine could be seen using crutches and wearing a tensor bandage on her left ankle on the live feeds to get around so her injury might be a bit more serious than first thought.

“I cannot believe I just won HoH!” she declared still messy from the slew of competitions.

As Jasmine celebrated, Pooch began working the house. He chatted with Alyssa about targeting Brittany and Taylor this week with the intention of backdooring Taylor.

“Why even put up Taylor right away so she can win the veto?” asked Pooch.

“Yeah, because she is going to come after Jasmine,” said Alyssa.

“We don’t want that so why even give her the chance to play or get picked?” asked Pooch.

Pooch said they have to prevent Michael and Taylor from winning veto as Taylor would save herself (naturally) and Michael would save Brittany.

As Joseph was cleaning up in the bathroom Pooch laid out his plan to him too.

“The only way Taylor can play would be if someone picks her chip. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. If she is picked I think I can beat her,” said Pooch.

Joseph wondered what they will do if no matter how they finesse it, Taylor still wins.

“We go after Brittany,” said Pooch.

Pooch floated his plan by Monte as they played pool.

“I think Brittany is socially isolated. I think the backdoor strategy would probably be ideal as everyone saw what Taylor did during the competition today. She did well during the pie eating contest too. If you aren’t careful, she would win a competition,” said Monte.

In the HoH room, Ameerah, Alyssa, Indy and Brittany waited for Jasmine to finish showering. They wanted to make sure she was okay…and wanted to do a bit of strategizing and gossiping.

“Nicole told me that Taylor said there is a rumour going around that she likes Monte. She said just so you know, that rumour isn’t true,” said Alyssa to Ameerah.

“Who started that rumour? Herself?” laughed Ameerah.

“She also said she didn’t care if he went home this week,” Alyssa continued.

Ameerah detailed how Taylor kept pestering her about whether she would nominate her or not if she won HoH. Ameerah placated her by saying if she did, she would use her as a pawn.

Ameerah suggested they all keep Taylor close just to keep an eye on her. Ameerah explained to Jasmine how Pooch wanted to volunteer to be put on the block so if Taylor gets picked for veto he can go up against her.

Once everyone except Ameerah had left the HoH room Pooch spoke with Jasmine.

Jasmine apologized to Pooch for taking so long to see him but Taylor wouldn’t leave the HoH room. Jasmine sent her to get more bandages to finally get her gone.

“I don’t know if Brittany can handle being on the block but I understand your concept,” said Jasmine of Pooch’s plan to go on the block himself.

Pooch suggested Jasmine bring both himself and Brittany into the HoH room and let them in on the plan is to get Taylor out.

“Why give Taylor a shot (to win veto)?” asked Pooch.

“She doesn’t need to go on the block immediately. She clearly needs to be backdoored because we have seen how well she does at competitions,” said Jasmine.

Big Brother USA airs three times a week on Global TV. It airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.
