Big Brother Spoilers: Marathon night ends with new HoH
Big Brother Spoilers: Marathon night ends with new HoH
By John Powell –
The grind continued for the final six All-Stars after the triple eviction live show.
An HoH competition was played while the live feeds were down and Cody won his third reign of the season.
Tyler expressed his dismay about how the triple eviction went down to Enzo in one of the bedrooms.
“I feel awful that I voted different than you and Cody,” he said.
“Nobody gives a f—k, bro,” replied Enzo shrugging it off.
“I just did what Memphis wanted me to do,” he continued.
“I just thought you guys were thinking the same way as me. I didn’t even get a chance to talk to Cody,” said Tyler. “Thank God, Cody won (HoH).”
Tyler left the room and Enzo shook his head while talking to the cameras.
“This s–t is a mess, yo,” he sighed.
Tonight’s triple eviction leaves Cody, Nicole, Memphis, Enzo, Christmas and Tyler as the final six.
Reader Alert: Going forward, the Sunday Big Brother broadcasts are now moving to Mondays on Global TV for the rest of the season.
Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Mondays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves