Big Brother Spoilers: Houseguests make up, bond over shared enemy
Big Brother Spoilers: Houseguests make up, bond over shared enemy

By John Powell –
It is all rainbow and unicorns again in the Big Brother house, sort of. After their heated argument last night Ian and Danielle have buried the hatchet. In a touching moment, their dislike of another houseguest helped bring them closer together.
“I am not mad at you at all. I was upset last night because everything you are saying is true and it sucks to hear,” Danielle told Ian in the HoH room. “I am so sorry. I genuinely care about you and if I didn’t I wouldn’t care. I am not mad at you at all and I am really sorry.”
The pair stood up and hugged things out reassuring each other that do genuinely care for each other.
The discussion then turned to how many votes Ian has to stay over Tyler, the other nominee this week.
“What about Kevin?” asked Danielle.
“We don’t need him. F–k him! F–k him! He has been acting f—–g weird,” said Ian.
Danielle told Ian that Kevin is giving her the cold shoulder this morning and she has no idea why. Ian believes it is because he is angry with her over last night’s argument.
“He didn’t even see what happened and he hates me now?” asked Danielle.
“It is f—–g, Kevin. He is a f—–g asshole. F–k that guy! We don’t need his vote. We need four and you,” said Ian.
Ian outlined his targets for Danielle.
“If I stay there are two people who have really pissed me off in the last three or four days. Big time. I offered David safety in exchange for voting for me to stay but he has continued to kick the tire and if I stay, I am putting his ass up. His power has already been used and he will f—–g go…or Kevin. I would be thrilled with Kevin going, really. He has really pissed me off,” he explained.
“He is super shady,” said Danielle of Kevin.
“Really super shady. I don’t even want to deal with him. I have had it,” said Ian. “If I am forced to stay in the jury house he will never get my vote. I can say, I don’t want to go to jury.”
“He is trying to play cute. He is trying to f–k you over because he hates Cody,” Ian warned Danielle.
“And he hates me now, apparently, too. That’s fine,” laughed Danielle.
“He is trying to start s–t for no reason and we had a pact,” said Ian.
“If he flips on me I will never give him my vote, ever. If I do get booted I am going to f—–g fight like hell and I am going to demand to see my contract,” Ian said of not wanting to go to the jury house.
Reader Alert: Note this week’ schedule change. Wednesday’s episode of Big Brother aired last night instead of tonight on Global. If you missed it, you can check it out here.
Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.