Big Brother Spoilers: Houseguest leaves ‘goodbye’ messages
Big Brother Spoilers: Houseguest leaves ‘goodbye’ messages

By John Powell –
Fearing he will be evicted tomorrow night Kyle has begun asking his fellow houseguests to pass along his heart-felt messages to Alyssa after he is gone.
“I want to go to every person in the house and tell them a specific thing about her and then when I am gone, instead of hearing s—-y things about me, people can say…Kyle really liked your smile,” he told Turner, the first person he approached.
Kyle asked Turner if his idea was outlandish or strange.
“I think that is sweet. I think it is nice. I don’t know if it is my call to say whether it is weird or not. I am pretty weird myself,” Turner laughed.

Kyle Capener and Alyssa Snider. Photo Courtesy: CBS.
“I just feel bad that she has had to hear this s—t over and over,” said Kyle. “If you don’t want to tell her, whatever.”
“I will tell her,” promised Turner smiling.
“I love that she can make me laugh in any situation and I have never really had that in a relationship. Her laugh is so infectious even when she is teasing me a thousand times,” he said to Turner who asked about the “turnaround time” on these messages.
“Oh, you never even have to tell her,” said Kyle.
“You have my word. I will pass that along,” promised Turner.
Kyle then spoke to Monte in the gym and asked the same thing of him.
“I think she is the strongest person both physically, mentally and emotionally. She is so strong, bro. She is so mentally strong to handle everything that has happened. She is stronger than I am. I look up to her for it. I love her for that,” said Kyle.
Monte also promised he would deliver the message to Alyssa.
In the HoH room, Kyle thanked Terrance for guiding him through everything so far this week and being a real father figure to him.
“If you want to share with her please tell her I appreciate her positive attitude. The way she can bounce back from anything. I love that about her and about you,” said Kyle.
Like the others, Terrance vowed to pass along Kyle’s thoughts to Alyssa.
Big Brother USA airs three times a week on Global TV. It airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.
To catch up on the recent episodes click here.