Big Brother Spoilers: Barely An Endurance Challenge Has A Winner
Big Brother Spoilers: Barely An Endurance Challenge Has A Winner

John Powell –
It was the endurance challenge that wasn’t.
At a mere 37 minutes into the Head of Household competition we had a winner on the live feeds.
In the challenge that began on the live eviction show the houseguests had to hang onto ropes as they swung around into barriers and were squirted with slime and water. The last one standing or swinging would be the new HoH.
Derek dropped off during the last commercial break. He lasted only a few minutes.
Alyssa was the next to drop just as the live show ended at six minutes and nine seconds into the challenge.
Claire, who had to throw the challenge because she was the Secret HoH last week, fell at 20 minutes and 16 seconds. Hannah left the challenge just seconds later at approximately 21 minutes.
That left Cookout members Xaiver, Azah, Kyland and Tiffany. Xavier dropped suddenly at 22 minutes in and Azah followed him at 24 minutes.
Kyland finally relented at 37 minutes and 47 seconds giving Tiffany her second HoH reign of the season. Tiffany was HoH last week but Claire usurped her as the Secret HoH.
It was Sarah Beth, the forensic scientist from Florida, who became the third juror on the live eviction show. Tiffany was the only vote for her to stay.
Host Julie Chen-Moonves announced that the next two live eviction shows will be double eviction episodes.
Check back here for all the latest news from the Big Brother house.