Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Houseguest Punished for Violating Rules
Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Houseguest Punished for Violating Rules

By: John Powell –
A Big Brother 19 Houseguest has been penalized for breaking the rules.
Matt Clines, the renovation consultant, has received a penalty vote from the producers.
At a house meeting on the live feeds, Jason Dent read a message from production.
“Houseguests, Matt has chosen to break the Have Not food rules by eating regular food and will therefore be receiving one penalty vote against him this week,” read Jason.
Matt, therefore, already has one eviction vote against him this week.
At the POV (Power of Veto) ceremony meeting today, Jason did not use the power after promising to do so leaving Matt and Raven Walton on the block. That decision sparked a confrontation.
RELATED: Tempers Flare After Veto Ceremony – Big Brother 19 Spoilers
Once the meeting was over, a rebellious Matt immediately went to have a hot shower which is also in violation of the rules and began eating and drinking regular food in the kitchen.
Past Houseguests who have violated the Big Brother rules and received a penalty vote on eviction night include Jen Johnson (Big Brother 8) and Audrey Middleton (Big Brother 17).
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