Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Delayed HoH Competition Completed
Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Delayed HoH Competition Completed

By: John Powell –
Postponed due to weather, this week’s HoH (Head of Household) was finally held a few hours after Big Brother 19‘s live eviction show went off the air.
While the feeds were down for the entire competition, it was clear when they returned that Christmas Abbott was the new HoH.
The competition was called…Ready, Set, Whoa!…and it seems the other Houseguests might have intentionally or unintentionally false started the race which gave the win to Christmas.
WATCH: Big Brother After Dark Online – Season 19 Full Episodes
Christmas spoke to Paul Abrahamian afterwards about the upcoming nominations.
“It is Kevin [Schlehuber], I promise you. You can trust me,” she said of her true target.
Paul replied he threatened to send Kevin home if he didn’t throw the HoH competition.
“All that I care about is that you, me and Josh don’t get clipped,” said a worried Paul.
On the live eviction show, it was Matt Clines, best known for gobbling down cereal and showmancing Raven Walton, who was voted out on the live eviction show by a 6 to 0 margin.
Matt received a penalty vote for electing to eat regular food while being a Have Not for the week.
Matt admitted to host Julie Chen he purposely threw away his chance at winning Big Brother for Raven, a woman he has known for just a couple of months.
RELATED: Matt Clines’ Big Brother 19 Exclusive Post-Eviction Exit Interview
“She is amazing and she is the best. She is the kindest person. I cannot say enough good things about her, honestly,” said Matt confessing that during the third week he decided to give up his game for Raven and that he believes they have strong feelings for one another.
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CATCH UP NOW ON THE LATEST EPISODE: Big Brother Season 19, Episode 31