Cody Nickson Big Brother 19 Exit Interview #2: Promises Jury Hell
Cody Nickson Big Brother 19 Exit Interview #2: Promises Jury Hell

By: John Powell –
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. The Big Brother Houseguests voted him out once and he fought his way back in. Now evicted for a second time, former Marine Cody Nickson become the first member of the Big Brother 19 jury.
Even though his only ally Jessica Graf was voted out and even though he didn’t win the Temptation and Veto competitions meaning he had no power, the other Houseguests still antagonized Cody making his last week in the house very unpleasant and uncomfortable.
It is something Cody has not forgotten.
“I will absolutely not be friends with any of these people after the show and in the jury house I will be as awkward and make as much tension as possible with these people for the entire time that they are in the jury house with me,” Cody vowed.
RELATED: Jessica Graf Big Brother 19 Exclusive Exit Interview
Also fresh on Cody’s mind is the way he and Jessica were confronted weeks ago on the backyard where they were cornered and taunted by the other Houseguests. In the ugly scene both Alex Ow and Christmas Abbott declared that Cody was an “embarrassment to the military”.
For Cody, it took a lot of restraint to not respond in kind.
“I saw a bunch of grown men berating a woman, honestly, of course I wanted to physically take them all out but all I could do was help Jessica relax in that situation and do our best not to react. All these people just wanted was a reaction and they want TV time,” he remembered.
Cody’s biggest adversaries in the house were Paul Abrahamian and Josh Martinez. Even though things often got pretty heated and horrible words flew on both sides, Cody doesn’t regret anything he said or did during those quarrels. Cody also claimed Paul and Josh were deliberately staging scenes for the TV broadcast.
“Both of them are pretty much TV characters trying to put on a show for TV. All they are trying to do is be as loud as possible and it’s just one big act. I’ve had Paul pull me in a room multiple times telling me he was going to do something for TV. So these people are fake, trying to put on a show, trying to get more social media following, trying to make themselves into something that they are not and I don’t respect it so anything I ever said about them being cartoon characters or whatever else, I do not regret it at all,” Cody proclaimed.
Calling Jessica “the greatest prize” he has gotten out of the game, for all his bad blood with Paul, Cody gives the Devil his due admitting he is playing the best game this season.
“Somehow the guy is like Charles Manson in there and has a bunch of damn followers who just do what he wants and whatever he says,” Cody concluded.
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CATCH UP NOW ON THE LATEST EPISODE: Big Brother Season 19, Episode 24