America: ‘I have a bone to pick with Cory’
America: ‘I have a bone to pick with Cory’

America Lopez and Julie Chen Moonves. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS..
By John Powell –
Cormerica’s time in the Big Brother house is over but their journey in the jury house is just beginning. America was a victim of a double eviction and a unanimous vote last night so she is off to reunite with Cory in the jury house. Looking back at her game would she have played any differently and what does she believe the future holds for her and Cory? She let us know.
John Powell: I want to give you a little get-back here. Who do want to follow you into the jury house and why?
America Lopez: I hope Jag follows me into the jury house! Please! Please! Girls make this happen! We cannot let these you know ‘tough guys’ make it to the end. I don’t want to see this again! How boring of a season would it be if it’s another ‘Hitman’ or ‘Renegades’ situation?
I really hope Jag is next! He is playing an excellent game! He is a comp beast but they need to go after him! He needs to be stopped! He has seven competition wins and he is just obliterating everybody and anything! I really hope I see him next. He’s a sneaky little liar! I thought I could trust him. He was one of my best friends in the house. I’m just so frustrated with him! Stupid, stupid Jag!

Cory Wurtenberger and America Lopez. Photo: CBS.
Yeah, I was going to come after him next but how dare he! How dare he target me! I hope he comes in next. It will be a fun jury house too! I love Jag! We have so much fun together! We can chill and hang. It will be a fun time.
John Powell: It seems like you couldn’t win a challenge even when your life or Cory’s were on the line. What happened? Were the competitions harder than you expected?
America Lopez: Oh, these competitions are so hard! Oh, my god! I really was giving it my all! I was trying my best!
I really thought that I would be amazing at these mental comps. Even the mental comps are so difficult! OMG! The physical ones were tough! Me and my little legs up against Matt and Jag’s? I felt like I was up against Goliath.
It was so tough. I just couldn’t win for some reason. Even in this last double eviction I was trying to focus on the HoH, on that last competition, but it’s so much harder than it looks, y’all! I promise, I’m not stupid! It just sucks! I really wanted to win something and I just for some reason was never able to focus or stay calm under pressure. I think that is key and it never worked out. Argggg!
John Powell: What drew you to Cory and what do you hope the future holds for you both?
America Lopez: Cory is the funniest guy I have ever met! I think our first conversation ever we were in a group setting in the hot tub. He quoted this Avril Lavigne song and then he was talking about his accent. I thought it was the funniest thing ever! I was ‘hee-hee-hawing’ with him all night. After talking to him more I realized that we thought about the game in a similar way so that’s how we initially connected. We’re huge super fans! We had a similar view of what was happening in the game so we connected in that sense. After talking to him more he’s just so intelligent and funny and witty! I just love that about him! I cannot wait to see him in the jury house and spend these next two weeks together! Cory my boo, I’m coming! I’m so excited!
John Powell: Was it ever frustrating to work with Cory as he shied away from confrontations like when Felicia threw you both under the bus at that veto meeting?
America Lopez: I’ve got a bone to pick with Cory because first off he had been Mister Confrontation all f—–g season! He was up there in the HoH room yelling at Jared apparently during Jared’s first HoH win and he was up there during that Humiliverse fight. He held court with with Jared and all the other houseguests but all of a sudden when Felicia starts coming at both of us he runs to the backyard?

America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger. Photo: CBS.
I’m like: ‘Hello! Come in here Mr. Confrontation and back me up here!’ It was so frustrating! I did get on him about that because I was like: ‘Hey! I was in there fighting for you and standing up for you! Why don’t you stand up for yourself? Why don’t you back me up on this?’ It was a little frustrating because it seemed like he was he was all for it with Jared but when Felicia pulled this little stunt during the veto meeting he was nowhere to be found. He was with his pink hat and the pink blankie somewhere on the hammock, I think. I don’t know. He just ran away.
John Powell: Do you still blame yourself for Cory’s demise and what do you think of Blue’s gameplay?
America Lopez: That was the toughest part from the blindside last week, feeling like it was my responsibility. It was my fault that Cory and I were in that position. But after Cory left I’ve had time to think about it and no, I don’t think it was my fault. I know Matt and Jag were just looking for any excuse to come after me and Cory and I gave it to them. I think they would have possibly done it no matter what. I guess we’ll never know but I know I don’t blame myself anymore. I think it was going to happen eventually and it was the right thing to do. Let’s be honest. Cory and I had been talking about getting rid of Matt and Jag so it was the right thing to do for them.
In terms of Blue? Blue is such a badass! I love Blue! We for some reason were never able to make it work which I’m really mad at myself about. If I could do it over again Blue and I would have made a final two at the beginning and and hopefully made it to the end.

Jag Bains and America Lopez. Photo: CBS.
During the first double eviction, the weeks leading up to that, she was for getting rid of Jared. She didn’t tell him anything about our plan to have him up on the block and evicted. She’s just so brave!
That’s something that I said I would have been able to do but I know how I feel about Cory and I wouldn’t have been able to do what she did. She lasted five weeks I think without Jared. I was dying after a week without Cory!
I think she is so brave! I think she’s such a badass bitch and she had to do what she had to do. I know she made the same mistake that I did which was trusting Jag with anything. I don’t blame her for telling him. She thought it was the right thing to do. I thought it was the right thing to do to trust her with information. We all make mistakes but I applaud her for playing so hard. It was great to play with her! I love her!