Winner of final HoH round one revealed
Winner of final HoH round one revealed

Julie Chen Moonves. Photo: Courtesy CBS.
By John Powell –
Monte might have made a $750,000 mistake. Instead of sending Turner to the jury house last night Monte kept him over Brittany.
Unfortunately, Turner has beaten both Monte and Taylor in the first part of the final Head of Household competition of the season. That means that Taylor and Monte must square off in the second round to see who faces off against Turner in the final round on finale night.
The final HoH of the season decides who will sit beside them in front of the jury on finale night and who will be the final member of the jury.
By the houseguests’ description on the live feeds afterwards it sounds like the competition involved hanging from a rope as the players were spun around and driven against objects.
“I cannot believe I won the one spinning competition! That was insane!” said Turner to Monte and Taylor as they sat in the kitchen. Taylor was picking at a final three dinner Big Brother had provided for them, a steak dinner.
“It was a big grip one,” said Taylor detailing how they were tossed all over the place and had to hang on to the ropes as best they could. “That was so crazy.”
“It was a good endurance competition though. I just hope the soreness goes away by tomorrow,” said Monte rubbing his shoulders.
After Turner and Monte went to bed Taylor stayed up studying her season trivia as she drank coffee at the kitchen table.
“I want to go to sleep. I am about to compete in the most important competition of my entire season,” she said shaking her head.
The two-hour final of Big Brother airs on Global this Sunday at 8:00 to 10:00 PM ET.
Tonight’s Big Brother episode will be a recap show.
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