Big Brother’s Week One Evicted Houseguest: Frenchie’s going to crash and burn
Big Brother’s Week One Evicted Houseguest: Frenchie’s going to crash and burn

By John Powell –
If there is one person Travis Long blames for his early Big Brother exit, it is Frenchie.
The tech sales consultant and museful surfer from Honolulu felt so betrayed by the Tennessee farmer that he tried to blow up his game before he left the house. Travis wanted to make sure his friends and allies were aware of the deceptive game Frenchie is playing.
John Powell: Julie Chen-Moonves mentioned last night that you called Frenchie out before you left the house. We never saw that. Could you tell us what happened?
Travis Long: “I had two channels of forward movement in exposing Frenchie. One was just royally blowing him into outer space in front of everyone and the second was just going individually to people I care about and sliding that ace into their pocket for them to utilize later. I went with the latter option and the reasoning behind that was I’ve never been really a vengeful guy. I didn’t want to go out with a frown on my face or put a huge frown on anyone else’s face that was working with Frenchie. More importantly, I wanted that information to be a good bargaining chip at any point for the people I did care about.”
“I ended up telling Brent, Derek X and then my own teammates (Kyland, Tiffany and Claire) that he can’t be trusted he and he makes promises he can’t keep.”
John Powell: Frenchie has made a lot of promises to a lot of people. Were you surprised by his gameplay and have others noticed that too?
Travis Long: “Yeah, that’s definitely a topic of conversation that comes up with French’s name almost every time and it was a surprise because I thought he was going to be a little more of a strategic player than that but it seems like he’s torching his game early on with these facetious and empty promises that people are catching on to. The biggest example of that is that I left despite him giving me his word. He kind of rides around the house on his word, that he is a transparent guy. We have come to learn that is not the case. He’s going to crash and burn really hard.”
John Powell: It seems like Frenchie has a lot of influence in the house. Why is that?
Travis Long: “One is just the fact that he was the first Head of Household. Everyone was flocking to him for safety for the first week. I think an even bigger reason beyond that is the fact that he’s the oldest one in the house and instead of being kind of the goofy old guy that’s typically on the show, he has a little more authoritative nature about him. He has a deep voice, he’s covered in tattoos and be lives on a farm, he’s a self-made man in that respect. People are a little intimidated and out of fear they fall in behind him.”
John Powell: Are you disappointed that some of your friends actually voted you out?
Travis Long: “I mean, obviously, there’s always disappointment in leaving the Big Brother house but I completely understood their reasoning which was to keep a target off their backs. It’s kind of the group thing. Everyone was shepherded together behind the objectives of the entire house. It sucks for me but I can’t argue against their own strategic decisions.”
John Powell: What surprised you most about the experience?
Travis Long: “I think what I most liked is the camaraderie that formed. I really thought I was going to go in there with pure savagery, kick ass and take names but what totally surprised me is that I ended up falling in love with someone. (Laughs) I mean, the showmance that never quite happened was me and Derek X. I fell in love with Brent and had a pretty strong personal connection with Frenchie too, at first.”
“The hardest part without a doubt was the being on 24/7. There’s the live shows and obviously there’s always the feeds but it is just nonstop. You need to be constantly worrying about who’s talking to who. There’s a lot of paranoia that goes into it and it just results in you being really tired a lot of the time.”
John Powell: When you were nominated and even when you were evicted you really took it all in stride. Is that just your personality?
Travis Long: “Yeah, it’s just who I am. I’ve never been one to walk away from something and hang my head low. I’m extremely grateful for the relationships that I made. I’m going to be really good friends with a couple of those people beyond the walls of the Big Brother house. I am really thankful for that and the whole experience was a hell of a fun time. I can’t complain. I’m really excited to now see my friends and friends now.”
John Powell: What’s next for you now that you are out of the house?
Travis Long: “Well, ‘Travisa’ seems to be getting a lot of attention so maybe I will buy a couple of dresses, start modeling, contacting dance agencies or something like that.” (Laughs)
“I’m heading back to Hawaii. I’m going to get in the sun. I’ve missed out on the outdoors, my friends and family. That actually took a way heavier toll on me than I initially expected, just not being able to see the sunshine for days when the backyard was closed. I am going to get my tan on and get back in the water and I’m really excited to get back to working on my businesses.”
Big Brother USA airs on Global on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET.
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