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Survivor 43 Scoop – Week 6 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor 43 Scoop – Week 6 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor 43 Scoop – Week 6 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Jeff Probst. Photo Courtesy: Robert Voets/CBS.


John Powell – GlobalTV.com

You know your version of Survivor has far too many advantages and far too many immunity idols when you need one of these to keep track of them all.

Perhaps you feel the same way. Perhaps you don’t. To me, the Survivor game isn’t as authentic when advantages, especially ones that just fall out of the sky and aren’t really earned, become the focal point, become the priority.

But…the tribes have officially merged from three into one and along with that, a whole new game born of chaos and confusion has begun…and I love that. There is nothing better than watching the castaways scramble as the tribal politics change so dramatically.

And…what is also fun to see play out is someone setting fire, burning their own game down. From the day she stepped foot on the beach Elie played a very enterprising, a very offensive Survivor game. She didn’t shy away from big moves. She didn’t shy away from whispering in everyone’s ear, from confronting people directly and putting herself out there as a power player. She lived by the sword and she died by that very same sword.

Karla Cruz Godoy, James Jones, Noelle Lambert, Cassidy Clark, Dwight Moore and Owen Knight. Photo Courtesy: Robert Voets/CBS.

She supported such moves as Jeanine searching through Gabler’s bag and throwing others under the bus, etc. For her to be appalled at Gabler or others employing the same sketchy tactics seems a bit duplicitous. At least Jeanine was smart enough not to waste her idol on her.

As she said herself on tonight’s episode, Elie truly believed she was running the show. What gave her that indication or belief is difficult to understand considering the tribal dynamics at the time. Her perception of reality certainly was so way off the mark, it might have been in New Zealand somewhere.

At tonight’s vote it should be worth noting that Coco all voted to boot Elie, except for Karla who voted for Owen for some reason. I would hazard to guess that tonight’s vote wasn’t indicative about where the tribal alliances lie as there was a general consensus surrounding a mutual enemy, target. At a part of the game where gaining the trust of others you haven’t interacted with at all is an immediate concern, having an immediate clear and present danger to everyone is a blessing.

Karla Cruz Godoy, Jeanine Zheng and Cassidy Clark. Photo Courtesy: Robert Voets/CBS.

Things don’t look that good for Baka though unless they can move quickly to gather some allies as Jeanine could be next and what reason would Vesi and Coco have to keep the rest around?

Stay tuned folks.




Moment # 5: Karla is injured during the challenge.




Moment # 4: Owen formulates his advantages list.




Moment # 3: Elie scrambles.




Moment # 2: Elie and Gabler argue.




Moment # 1: Gabler throws Elie under the bus.

Next time on Survivor…

Elisabeth “Elie” Scott

We have seen a Survivor story like Elie’s play out so many times. Someone who thinks they have the game by the horns gets stuck by them. Like they say, a pat on the back is just a few inches from a kick in the butt. Elie shouldn’t have put herself out there as she did. It put the spotlight on her at a time when the landscape is uncertain and everyone is looking for that easy out so that they can earn a few more days for all the smoke to clear and the merge dust to settle. She should have idled instead of putting the pedal to the metal.


Strategic Gameplay

Jeanine Zheng, Owen Knight and Elisabeth “Elie” Scott. Photo Courtesy: Robert Voets/CBS.

Elie had a good mind for the game. She was in the moment but also thinking a little bit ahead. Timing was her constant issue.

Rating: 3.5 / 5


Social Gameplay

 Owen Knight and Elisabeth “Elie” Scott. Photo Courtesy: Robert Voets/CBS.

Elie thought she had a strong social game but as we learned it wasn’t as convincing or as far-reaching as she believed it was.

Rating: 3.5 / 5


Entertainment Value

Elisabeth “Elie” Scott and Jeanine Zheng. Photo Courtesy: Robert Voets/CBS.

Elie is the kind of bold player Survivor needs more of. What Elie might have been missing is that little bit of finesse that is needed to deal with really touchy and potentially explosive situations.

Rating: 4 / 5

Final Rating: 11 / 15

Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.

Gabler do so well and did so badly this episode. Throwing Owen and Sami under the bus has now made him untrustworthy to the others.

Once Jeanine saw that the tide was turning against Elie she should have distanced herself as much as she could. She might end up being dragged down to the murky depths by Elie’s undertow.

She got too ahead of herself. She believed her own hype.

Sami and Owen recovered well from Gabler pointing the finger directly at them.

James saw the tides changing and pushed Elie’s boat out to sea.

Although he might have done his game some damage he turned the others against Elie removing his rival.
