Survivor 43: Finale Predictions
Survivor 43: Finale Predictions

John Powell –
Survivor 43 comes to its epic conclusion tonight with either Jesse, Owen, Mike, Karla or Cassidy being crowned the S0le Survivor. Who will reign on the finale episode? Here are our predictions.
Sole Survivor
If the Survivor juries over the last five years or so are any indication the best player won’t win this season because other factors will come into play as far as the jury is concerned. She will be the best player of the final three but she certainly wasn’t the best player this season by any stretch of the imagination. Whether it was Geo or Ryan, she often got sidetracked by personal feuds and conflicts. Out of the nine tribal council votes she participated in she voted with the majority and targeted the right person eight times so she had a very, very good read on the tribal politics. As far as Survivor winners go she will be an unremarkable winner.
He may get a few votes because of his popularity. He has played a similar game to Owen though in that it has been low-key and playing from the bottom of the pecking order most of the time.
Owen will be one of two goats who get dragged to the final tribal this season. He has really played a very passive, a very weak game, all in all. Most of that isn’t entirely his fault though because he was playing from the bottom almost the entire season.
My heart wants Jesse to win as he was undoubtedly the best player this season. My brain says that Jesse brutal move, a move that was perhaps too early, will raise his threat level to the point that he becomes everyone’s target. Even if he gets to the final tribal council it appears that the jury doesn’t approve of his gameplay based on their reactions last episode and he won’t get the votes he needs to win even though he deserves them.
I believe Karla is marked for an easy out. I think there is a reason why we didn’t get an official update on her health in the last episode. I fear that she has to quit because her injuries are far worse than we have been led to believe.