Reilly: I hope Hisam goes far
Reilly: I hope Hisam goes far

Reilly Smedley. Photo: CBS.
By John Powell –
She rolled the dice winning the first HoH of the season and formed a massive alliance to keep herself safe but Reilly Smedley’s strategy came back to haunt her when she was no longer in power. For awhile it looked like the house was going to keep her to target Hisam, however, it was deemed far too dangerous a move to keep such a strong player in the game.
John Powell: Reilly, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today. I wish we were talking under better circumstances.
Reilly Smedley: Thank you for having me! I’m definitely super sad. I’m a very competitive person, especially with myself, so I didn’t see me leaving the house Week Two but I got to play Big Brother so I can’t complain.
John Powell: Now that you’ve been able to decompress for just a little bit how are your feelings about the entire experience?
Reilly Smedley: It was definitely a very unique special experience that not very many people have. I’m super lucky to have been able to spend the amount of time I did in the Big Brother house. I’ve met so many people created life-long bonds. It’s definitely really tough in there. I learned a lot about myself.

Hisam Goueli and Reilly Smedley. Photo: CBS.
John Powell: Looking back at your game what do you think your biggest mistake was? Do you look back and say: Maybe I shouldn’t have won that HoH?
Reilly Smedley: I definitely went into this game not planning on taking the first HoH but I am a competitor. So, when I see a challenge I want to win it. At the end of the day, everything happens for a reason. It was it was something I had never obviously experienced before so I just had to adapt as I could. Ultimately, I knew the repercussions and the target that situation would put on me.
John Powell: Talking about the repercussions, Hisam’s speech at the veto meeting touched off a lot of nerves in the house. People didn’t take too kindly to the tone and his directness. How did you feel about at the time?

Evictee Reilly Smedley and Julie Chen Moonves. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS.
Reilly Smedley: It was definitely wildcard. I don’t think anyone was really expecting it but Hisam is a very honest person and he was vocal about that in the beginning. That’s how he was going to play his game. Hisam is entitled to do what he feels he needs to do best for his game and I respect him nonetheless. I hope he goes far.
John Powell: What you may not know is because of that speech the other side of the house was considering keeping you because they didn’t like the tone and the fact that it was basically his way or the highway. So, all throughout the week the house was flipping back and forth and there was a plan to save you. What do you think about that?
Reilly Smedley: I was definitely fighting. The gears starting turning after that veto meeting. People were starting to rethink things and I wanted to extend that olive branch in the hopes that they would trust me. I’m a woman of my word. I really did mean it when I said I would love to work with other people especially Izzy, Cirie and Felicia. I almost had it but again it is their game and their decision and it was very dangerous so I wasn’t surprised at the up and down about it.
John Powell: Would you be surprised to learn that Hisam tried to form an alliance with Jag and Blue?
Reilly Smedley: Oh no, I’m not super surprised. I know that that was something that Jag and blue had honestly mentioned. I think that was early on I don’t know if he attempted again later on. I just didn’t know about it but I could see him doing that for sure.

Reilly Smedley. Photo: CBS.
John Powell: We saw a really strong bond evolve between you and Jag. I mean completely different worlds, to some degree. Why do you think you guys connected so strongly? I mean, it must be more than just the juggling right?
Reilly Smedley: (Laughs) He’s a really bad juggler. (Laughs) When you feel someone’s good energy you just feel it and Jag and I hit it off right away. He was my best friend immediately. It felt like we’d known each other for years. I’m so so lucky to have even have had the time I had with him. That’s the beautiful thing about Big Brother. It’s just people from all different walks of life and it’s one big melting pot. You create these amazing bonds. I can’t wait to be friends with him after the show.
John Powell: You learned about the connection between Cirie and Jared. Looking back were there any clues at all that there’s might be something going on between the two of them or are they hiding it pretty well?
Reilly Smedley: They totally got me! I mean, I can’t even believe it! When Julie told me my jaw hit the floor! They’re playing that so well. You got Cirie on one side and you’ve got Jared on the other side feeding each other information. It’s beautiful! I remember having conversations with Jared about just how much I love Cirie and Felicia. Mama Cirie and Mama Felicia are like our mothers, like our REAL mothers. He really played it off. If they can keep it up they will go far.
John Powell: What do you think of Jag and Blue? They were basically your closest allies in the house? What do you think they need to do next to keep themselves alive in the game?
Reilly Smedley: I would say Matt included. Jag, Blue and Matt were my closest alliance. I told them before I left to maybe approach Cirie. I think that would be helpful for them just knowing what I know now about her connection to Jared. I think she’s also feeling like she might end up on the outs with her alliance just because she fought so hard for me this week. I think that they definitely need to start working with somebody on the other side.
John Powell: I’m am going to let you get a little get-back here. Who would you like to see follow you out of the house next or is that a given?
Reilly Smedley: My plan if I were to have stayed in the house was to was to backdoor Hisam but I was pretty vocal about that. (Laughs) Everyone knows that. I’m not sure. I’m not sure.
John Powell: That was part of the plan to save you. They’re thinking of backdooring Hisam. It’ll be interesting to see how things go. Once again, thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us today. It was great. All the best of the future for you and can’t wait to see you on the finale. You probably have a lot to say at that time for sure.
Reilly Smedley: I can’t wait to see the rest of the season! I’m so excited for them! They’re all wonderful people! I wish them all the best!
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Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.