Newest jury member defends Cookout’s gameplay
Newest jury member defends Cookout’s gameplay
By John Powell –
There is no doubt that the Cookout is one of the most dominant and successful alliances in Big Brother USA history. How they approached the game, their strategy has rubbed some fans the wrong way though. Tiffany Mitchell, the phlebotomist from Detroit, is really hoping that the Cookout’s critics see their gameplay in a positive light someday.
“I’m sure there are people who are going to criticize the way the cookout played this game and unfortunately you cannot please all of the people all of the time. We had a common goal that was unspoken from Day One. Obviously, it was something that we felt needed to be done. We did what we felt we needed to do. I am proud of the mission that we served and accomplished and there’s always someone who has to be the first to do something. I’m happy that we were the first to do it. For the critics, I just hope that at some point they can think objectively about what we had to do and not look at it as a negative but as a positive. I’m sorry to those who don’t like it but I am not sorry that we did what we did,” said the newest jury member.
Tiffany words of wisdom, her down to earth, sensible approach to life and the game itself, were appreciated by many in the house this season and gained her everyone’s respect. She became a mentor of sorts and a sounding board to many of the houseguests, both men and women. They confided in her not only their thoughts and impressions of the game but also their concerns about their lives outside of the house too. Last week, Tiffany told a despondent Azah that ‘men always stick together and the women don’t’ when she was nominated along side Hannah. Tiffany admits she was trying to send a strong message to Azah.
“I don’t know why men stick together and women don’t but it just is. I said that because I believed that the men were going to stick together and get each other to the end. I had the same feeling about the women sticking together and women just don’t stick together. I do believe that Azah felt that she would be at the bottom of the three, myself, Hannah and her, had we moved further along as women. She may have been right about that but she was going to be fourth if she stuck with the men because they are all taking each other. I don’t think she believed that,” said Tiffany.
Of all the houseguests who are still in the game Tiffany feels that Kyland let her down the most.
“I do feel betrayed by Kyland. We had a final two…even though I didn’t plan on sticking to it (laughs) he made me feel like he was going to stick to it. I just wish he would have told me that I was a potential nominee. I was not expecting to be nominated by Kyland, however, payback is what it is. (Laughs) I definitely nominated Claire so I know exactly how it feels to be nominated by your person and evicted on their HoH,” she said.
Reflecting on the current situation in the house Tiffany is expecting Derek to follow her into jury.
“I think that Derek is being used and so I think that he should probably follow me next so that the guys if they want to compete, can really compete against each other and stop using him to hold them together,” she said.
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Watch Big Brother USA’s Most Epic Moments:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three