New twist changes the game
New twist changes the game

By John Powell –
Well, it wouldn’t be summer camp without a rival camp.
The first live eviction of the summer was anything but.
Ovi Kabir, the college student from Tennessee, was unanimously voted out of the house by his fellow houseguests but he didn’t leave.
Along with David Alexander, who was banished during the premiere, Ovi became a member of Camp Comeback.
David and the first four evicted houseguests will continue to live in the Big Brother house, interact with the other houseguests but have their own camp, sleeping and eating area. They will also not compete in any challenges or vote. The members of Camp Comeback will face-off against one another to return as full-fledged players.
“I am ecstatic. The game isn’t over yet and that is a wonderful thing because I have a lot more game in me to play,” David told host Julie Chen Moonves from Camp Comeback upstairs in the Big Brother house.
“I have had more awkward family reunions before,” joked Ovi about how it is going to be living with the people who just evicted him.
Jack Matthews, the fitness trainer from Florida, became Head of Household by winning BB Fireworks Camptacular, a memorization contest involving fireworks.
Jack will make his nominations for eviction on Sunday’s broadcast.
Starting Wednesday, July 10, Big Brother moves to Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9et/pt, with the Sunday broadcast remaining at 8et/pt.
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