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Live Feed Spoilers: The Power of Invincibility shakes up the house

Live Feed Spoilers: The Power of Invincibility shakes up the house

Live Feed Spoilers: The Power of Invincibility shakes up the house

Jared Fields and Blue Kim. Photo: CBS.


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

The Big Brother game has now become an exercise in not “whodunit” but “whohasit” with the Power of Invincibility in play.

Yesterday, one-by-one, the houseguests were brought into the diary room and perhaps beyond to play for the power.

The four houseguests with the most votes won the ability to compete for the Power of Invincibility. The top four vote-getters faced off in a competition which will be shown on Thursday’s eviction episode with the winner receiving the game-changing power. The power allows the houseguest to save an evicted player during one of the next two evictions. They can also save themselves.

It seems that Matt, Jag, Cory and Cirie were the four chosen houseguests by viewers.

There is speculation that Cirie won the power as she was shown by herself on the feeds smiling, dancing afterwards and saying: Thank you, America!

Like the other houseguests Blue and Jared wondered who won the power and what it is as they relaxed in the backyard.

“Who do you think has this s—t”? he asked.

“I really do think it is both Cameron or Red but I wouldn’t be surprised if Cory got it. I think someone in our seven got it I just don’t really know who,” Blue speculated as she rocked the hammock for Jared.

“I think Red or Cory got it then again Felicia might have it. I feel that even Jag might have it. He just seems iffy. He almost went home twice and he reacted when he lost,” said a confused Jared.

“A lot of people are saying that. In my Devil’s Advocate moment here, he (Jag) was solid about going home and then he got some hope,” she said of Jag’s recent behaviour and demenour. “I would hope he would tell me but if he feels like he is on the line then I would definitely keep that s—t to myself too.”

“I feel like if this super power can be used for the next few weeks and maybe people thought what’s the point of giving it to Jag when he will be out this week?” said Blue.

“That is also more reason he might have gotten it. He has been on the block twice. He has a great personality. Red sold me. I think he has it,” said Jared.

They then moved from who has the power to what the power is or might be.

“I feel like the power definitely has the possibility of changing the nominations but I don’t think it can take someone off the block. I think if anything it can add someone to the block. I don’t think you can take someone off,” said Blue spit-balling.

“The only reason I would disagree is because it would be pointless for you and Jag though. It wouldn’t be fair to you and Jag,” said Jared.

Check back for all the latest Big Brother news and interviews.

Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.