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Live Feed Spoilers: The houseguests debate which nominee is the bigger threat

Live Feed Spoilers: The houseguests debate which nominee is the bigger threat

Live Feed Spoilers: The houseguests debate which nominee is the bigger threat


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

The song and the noms remain the same.

Jag decided not to use the Power of Veto leaving his nominations of Blue and America the same at today’s meeting.

This morning, Matt had his coffee with Felicia on the patio.

“Were your talks good with Jag? We don’t get much privacy now,” Matt asked her.

“You don’t get any. As soon as someone sees you in there (the HoH room) they come running,” answered Felicia. “I think everything is okay. I think he is just trying to figure out whether to keep America over Blue.”

Matt said that Blue is the better competitor.

“I think if Blue is here she is going to definitely take a shot at Jag,” said Matt.

Felicia agreed.

“If it was up to me I would want them both (Blue and America) gone,” said Matt.

Felicia reminded him that it will be a double eviction so they could knock them both out, if they wanted to.

Matt said his vote isn’t personal. He doesn’t want to send Blue home but he feels like he has to. With it being a double he thinks Blue has to go first.

Later, Cirie helped Matt put the blinds down in the backyard as the houseguests must do every morning. They took the time to talk game away from everybody else.

“How do you feel with everything? Do you think Blue going is the right thing?” asked Cirie once they sat down.

“Yes but I think either way both of them will take a shot at us. I hate to think about it this way but Blue is a better competitor. I think we have to get Blue out now and America during the double. The one person who cannot win is America,” replied Matt.

“That is my concern,” said Cirie who wondered if the first HoH competition will be a trivia or knowledge challenge or not.

Matt insisted that Blue has been better than America in those. Blue even came close to betting Cory and America hasn’t been able to win a competition even when her game has been on the line.

In the HoH room before the veto meeting Matt helped Jag get his pagri (turban) ready as they held an impromptu strategy session.

“I don’t like how this is tied,” said Jag unwrapping his pagri.

“I was talking with Cirie. She thinks America is going to take that shot against us,” said Matt.

“Do you believe Cirie that America is the only one who will take a shot at us?” asked Jag.

Matt explained that Cirie won’t take that shot. She wants everyone else to do that, if they wish to.

Matt told Jag that Cirie agreed that Blue has to go then America and that Bowie has a suspicion that Cory advised America to throw the HoH and the veto this week so she doesn’t look like a threat.

“I don’t think America would risk losing the veto,” said Matt. Jag agreed.

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