Live Feed Spoilers: Nominee rips HoH and confronts former ally as backdoor plan is confirmed
Live Feed Spoilers: Nominee rips HoH and confronts former ally as backdoor plan is confirmed

By John Powell –
The way Cameron sees it Bowie Jane and his other allies have betrayed him.
At today’s Power of Veto meeting Jag used the power to remove Felicia from the block. HoH Bowie nominated Cameron in her place setting up the backdoor of the former Big Brother Zombie who won his way back into the house just a short two weeks ago.
“I still don’t get it. I still don’t f—-g get it,” said Cameron to America after the meeting.
On the patio this morning, Cirie and Cory discussed the upcoming meeting.
“Have you been given any indication if you or Felicia are coming off?” asked Cory.
“As dumb as it may sound I told them that I was okay if it was Felicia. This is my first time out of some stupid ass ‘fairness’,” answered Cirie.
“If there was ever a circumstance where it was okay to stay on the block it is now,” said Cory.
“God forbid anything crazy would happen but I don’t think it will. He has already been out,” said Cirie.
“Unanimously,” laughed Cory.
In the bathroom before the veto meeting Jag, Bowie, America and Blue had a Cameron ‘bitch session’.
“He said to me he came back here and made solid relationships but he has been betrayed,” said America rolling her eyes.
“He’s the betrayer,” said Bowie. “He has been pushing Cory hard.”
“He is denying everything,” said America.
“He said to me you can push Cory but I can’t,” said Blue.
“That is the biggest mistake he made, not putting Cory up last week. He is never going to forget that. It will drive him crazy,” laughed Bowie.
“He said to me he can be a shield and come after everyone,” said America.
“He isn’t a shield. He is an attacker,” said Bowie.
“I have heard that speech before,” said Blue.
On the patio later, Cameron had a question for America.
“Should I or shouldn’t I?” he asked.
“Do what?” asked America.
“Should I or shouldn’t I?” he asked again.
“Well, I don’t know what you are going to do,” answered America.
“Make some theatrics here,” Cameron suggested.
“You know I love theatrics! I love blow-ups!” she smiled.
“Cool!” said Cameron fist-bumping America as he stood up and walked across the yard to talk to Matt as America pleaded with him not to confront him.
Cameron sat down to Matt as he was reading the Bible. He asked Matt about his faith. Matt explained that he prays before bed, before his meets, whenever he takes off his cross before competitions because his grandmother gave it to him and he doesn’t want it to break or be broken.
“How long have you known about the backdoor?” asked Cameron pointblank.
“Really?” asked Matt. “It was always an option.”
“When was it confirmed?” asked Cameron.
“Probably, yesterday,” replied Matt.
“Why?” asked Cameron.
“Everyone is just telling Bowie,” Matt said.
“We are going to say Bowie? We are going to pitch it to Bowie? Everyone is pitching it to Bowie,” said Cameron.
“Here’s the deal, I never thought Bowie would go against me. When everything went down with Red I was the one person she went to…Everyone assumed she would never make a move against me because when she was crying her f—–g eyes out I put the two people on the block who made her life a living hell,” said an angry Cameron.
When Cameron left Matt alone Blue came out into the backyard to see if he was okay.
“America saw what was happening and went in. She knew,” said Matt.
“How was it?” asked Blue.
“I was in the middle of reading the Bible,” sighed Matt.
“I was thinking: You are going to approach my man when he is reading the Bible?” said an outraged Blue.
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Live Feed Spoilers: Bowie cutting deals, Jag slams Americory