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Live Feed Spoilers: Nominee gears up to lose their closest ally

Live Feed Spoilers: Nominee gears up to lose their closest ally

Live Feed Spoilers: Nominee gears up to lose their closest ally


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

Sitting in the hammock in the backyard alone this morning Blue took the time to address feed watchers and discuss her plans as he readies herself to play the game without her closest ally Jag.

HoH Cameron nominated them this week and veto winner Red did not use the power to alter Cameron’s nominations.

“Seeing all of them go into Cameron’s room. That’s really interesting, too. I’m in the seven person alliance and I feel like I am the one that’s being left out. I don’t know what’s going on,” she said of her supposed allies.

“The only thing that people have told me time and time again is that I’m safe this week. That’s all I know. I feel like I need to definitely work harder to establish strong relationships…That’s harder to do since people just don’t want to be talking to me all that much right now. I hope more than anything I stay and I am able to really compete in this HoH. I am a strong competitor. I’ve been pretty close in what seems like almost every competition. I need to be able to really prove myself to the other houseguests because I know I can do it. I think that’s the part that really bothers me is that I know I can do it,” she said.

“Today, I think I need to start thinking through my strategies a little bit. I haven’t really had time for myself to think about gameplay and think about strategies just because with it being so early in this game a lot of the things are super dependent on the house. Let’s talk about that. My strategy today is I think in order to gain trust, I need to have two things. One, personal conversation to game conversation, and you’re probably thinking. ‘Blue, doh! That’s the name of the game.’ Yeah. Yeah. I know,” she laughed.

“Two, my thing is what I’m picking up on is the best person to be with currently is Cory. Why is that? Well, Cory seems non-threatening. Compared to especially his first week, he seemed non-threatening. He’s really honing in on those one-on-one conversations…He asks a lot of good question because he’s a good listener. I think I’m a fairly good listener. I don’t really retain a lot of information sometimes just because I get information overload. I need to start asking people some personal questions. Even if it’s silly or goofy just asking them some questions. Ask them about family, kids, if applicable. Just kind of digging into something more lighthearted, too. I think is really important,” she explained.

“Another thing is that I need to start asking questions and being a little more proactive in the sense that I can’t rely on people to tell me things on their own accord…Picking up what they’re putting down and reading between the lines definitely is really important,” she said about upping her social game.

“I feel like that’s a very generic strategy but right now I’m not really in a position to think about anything too specific. I definitely want to talk to Bowie. I think I should keep talking to Cameron and Red. But clearly, I need to really focus on America because again, even though I have an alliance it’s tricky because I know and I feel like I’m at the very bottom of that alliance,” she said as America joined her in the hammock.

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Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.