Live Feed Spoilers: HoH carries out their backdoor plan but not without drama
Live Feed Spoilers: HoH carries out their backdoor plan but not without drama

By John Powell –
Felicia has closed the trap on her target.
Jag used the Power of Veto to take himself off the block at today’s meeting. HoH Felicia nominated Hisam in his place, the final step in her plan to backdoor him. The final nominations for the week are Cameron and Hisam.
Hisam laid the guilt on very thick with Izzy and Cirie in the kitchen after the ceremony.
“Cirie, I want to apologize to you if I made you feel ‘less than’ or unheard. I want to apologize for that. I want to apologize for never getting to know you. That was never my intension. I was just concerned about the first part of this game,” he said. “I think when you watch this back you will find the answers but it wasn’t me. You will see that.”
Hisam claimed he trusted The Professors and was sticking with them until the very end.
“That is why this will be amazing television because I will look like an absolute moron,” he continued.
After he left the kitchen sulking, Cirie, Izzy, Bowie and Mecole talked amongst themselves.
“He said he got stuck with us: the leftovers. He is denying everything. He didn’t have an alliance with anyone. Everyone else is lying,” said Cirie.
Izzy thinks that Hisam believes his own lies.
Earlier in the day, Felicia spoke to Bowie in the HoH room on what she planned to do today.
“I am going to say, well, in the spirit of the game of chess and based on your words Hisam to someone in the house…Why take out a knight when you can take out a king? Hisam, you are my nominee. Have a seat,” she said of her upcoming speech.
They both laughed.
“You take your time. Give yourself time to think and then…Bam!” said Bowie.
“It is going to be epic. He is going to be sitting there glaring at me with daggers,” Felicia chuckled.
“And he will have to go sit in the chair,” said Bowie.
“In the chair next to Cameron. You know he will be talking to everyone trying to put Cameron down,” Felicia predicted.
Right before the meeting though Felicia sensed some bad vibes and accused Jag of trying to pull a fast one.
She signaled to Jag asking him to come speak to her in the front room.
“I need to know if you guys are f—–g playing me?” she asked with her hands on her hips.
“What do you mean?” asked Jag.
“After this vote today are you guys going to flip everything? I see people pulling Cameron in the back and pulling Red into the back so I know you guys are up to something. I am just being straight with you,” she said.
Jag asked Felicia if she wanted to go speak in the nearby Have-Not room. They made their way there.
“I need you to be straight with me because I am going to be f—–g pissed if I do this thing and you guys are trying to attack us,” she said.
“Absolutely not,” answered Jag.
“Because I can switch this s—t up. I am not playing,” said Felicia as Jared laughed in the background. “I am looking at you dead in your face. I want to know if you are f—–g with me.”
“Absolutely not. I have never once lied to you about that,” said Jag.
Matt and Jared met with Felicia in the HoH room to reassure her that the house still wants Hisam out.
“Jag is good,” said Matt trying to settle Felicia down.
“I told you, I can go from zero to a thousand really quick,” laughed Felicia.
“Rightfully so and I am glad framed it how you framed it. This is his second chance,” said Jared of Jag.
“Everyone just has to be straight-forward because lies do filter in there,” Felicia responded.
Matt suggested that everyone needs to meet more often.
Felicia, Matt and Jared shared a hug.
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Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.